About Me

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Better known as KONG : a working mum juglling between family and work. Loves her family as they keeps her away from daily working stress.

Monday, December 15, 2008

How to reduce weight??

AKu mmg tension coz I did not see any improvement to my weight. I guess the nature of the sitting job in HOU, causes the metabolism rate going on really lembaps. I think will need to chang eplan, but a no to nasik for whole week is definitely a no no. At least kene 3x/wk. But I cut down the qty.
Gym routine lately have been cut down due to workload. Cam S@#$$ PB punye pasal. sume rush to close before actual production. Today aku dah naik hangin I will just shout to ppl in the phone. AKu dah tak pedulik. Aku jenis buat keje guiller n u expect me repeat those stuff. Mmg la kena tempelak ngan aku.
This Thursday there's an MBS plan meeting in Gopeng. Can't wait for the white water rafting. Tapi sedey gak tinggal kan kengkanakz for 2 nights. Have to remind hamizan over n over again that I wont be back from work, Even late night. Juz mentioned : Ummi tak balik tau. Ummi tido ofis. Whatever it is to make him understand that I won't coming back, so he will be prepared mentally and do not create problem back at home.

Its another 5 hours bfore subuh. Good nite!

Friday, November 7, 2008

The Telco Horror

Yesterday was the day where a telco was arrange to settle the Algeria no-ending story part yg tah keberapa. But this time is amongst the top shots. The directors & senior managers are there to join the telco. Dah aku jaga milks, boss suruh aku join as well merangkap balachi prepare telco set . Yg kelaka tu, this algerian people mmg terkenal jenis tak paham bahasa dari dulu sampai sekarang. Knowing that the telco date was set during on Public Hols at your country, can't you propose some other day?
Ini start2 je dah nyusahkan orang. Postpone lagi 1/2 hour. What a waste of time.( memang selama2 ni pun mmg dah byk habiskan time kitorang ) .
I'm glad Our Technical director join in, because he stood the most and clearly give a slap to them.I Loikeee!! Yg lelain tu mcm tak bagi fight yang membakar. ANyway, this algerian story which I thought would end today , unfortunately still continues....CHoy!!!!

Monday, November 3, 2008

Slimming Mission

I had actually started my slimming mission last saturday. 1hour of exercise and jogging at nearby park at my house.
The same afternoon , knowing the children already tergedik2 in their wan's house, I have brought them to the lake garden for some recreational puaskan hati budak2 session.
There all the 4 kids ( 2 of mine + 2 of my sis's kengkanaks ) punyala excited dapat main basikal. The bike rent was RM2/45minutes ride. The tricycle for alya was free.
Punyela seronok tak terkata bebudak ni. I was also enjoyed to see how cheerful they were playing around at the bicycle track. Lengkap la dengan ada traffic light, tempat isik minyak, signboards.

GBS - Geng 'Bike' Sekolah

Mak mesti nak enterframe tau...

After that, my treat to the children at A&W.

Yesterday I heard in the news mentioning that ladies lives longer than men BUT also the most with chronic diseases . Ditambah lagi dengan the least who does physical activity.
Aku yg dah bersemangat memulakan slimming session, continues to do so today.
Dengan rasminye aku dah jejakkan kaki kat Fitnest - company's gym.
Today managed to do 30 minutes of treadmill,cycling and airwalking. Hmm...Long way togo. For a record my BMI =27.6 is categorized under overweight . I need to get out from this 'overweight' circle. I need to shed out another 5kg more to be in the normal weight category.
Kong......Chaiyo! CHaiyo!

Friday, October 31, 2008

Hati Yang bengkak!

As usual every morning biasanye our working regime will startwith checking email. So yesterday morning , lagi2 hari jumaat yg mulia, one of the newly promoted manager, really irksss mee and raise my temperatue to boiling point in splits seconds.
The day before ,I received call from our colleague in HK asking about the progress of the product that we're developing for them.
I then wrote email to this manager ( since her balaci yg satu aras ngan aku ni is on 2wks training) with good intention, so that we are well prepared to answer them during next week's telco. I only send it to her and to one of the packg tchnology that i knew off when I was in fty.
To my suprise, she replied to my mail Cc to all the senior managers of technical division mentioning that dont put pressure on us, bla2 tak cukup resources sbb balachi dia yg sorang tuh takde...bla bla bla and please get the samples instead of asking her girl to do so bla bla bla.This test required this much efforts..blablabla..Macam aku tak tau kan.
Aku apa lagi... hangin la kan. I'm actually a very cool, least tempered , very rational and boleh di categorizekan sebagai penyabar kind of person. This kind of firing people through email is very not my style. If you fell unsatisfied with me... Please do pick up the phone, and talk to me. Aku bukan jenis suka makan orang, backstabbing and rasa diri besar!
After replying back the mail and passing back the fire to her, I immediately call her up, explained and asked her why? To my knowledge I was recommending 'the way' because I have been in fty, I know the situation well, and that's the fastest method. So please now, tell me what I should do to less you burden, I will do it all withour jeorpadizing the quality and integrity of our product. Please say so. Aku bukan jenis pentingkan diri sendiri and tak pikir pasai orang lain. Time tu mmg suara aku dah mmg naik la kan.. ate temperature takat didih, u know, I know la.
And after that puas hati menembak email session and phone call to her , she then followed through with series of phone calls from her. I think 3 calls after that, she apologize to me if I felt offended.
( Mmg Pun ). Me being a human being, Deep down in my heart I forgived her.
So, that's the drama for the day. Morale oof the story, Kalau tak puas hati, cakap, jangan bagi org lain bengkak hati!

Friday, October 24, 2008

New Environment, New People

It has been almost a month since I've moved to HOU. So far work wise - no issue. Only some catching up to be done is on planning side. Boss have assigned me to take up new category which is the adult cereal. The task came in exactly when there is a lot of new products that's about to be launched.
Makcik tension la kan. With all this melamine issue thingy, on my existing category-milks , HK is desperado to get stocks from us. Tambah lagi dgn adult cereal yg nak kena launch ni, next week I'll be dead meat.
Going back to story of my new working environment, Duduk kat 5th floor to me is ok. Org2 kat export so far semua ok ok. Except maybe supporting team kat tingkat bwh tu kan, really irritates me. Statement eg. " lainkali boleh ingat tak no telco mana yg nak pinjam? ' As if la dia tak leh check dia nye booking calendar. Ngadap facebook takpe? Dahle kekadang tuh ckp bagi telco 3, tapi lepas tu bagi telco set lain gak . Do I need to remember all that? Org jenis nih la makcik paling tak suke tau. But not everyone is like that. Anyway, aku tak ambik pot la kan dgn org2 mcm ni. I'm the kind of observance, not really keen of making friends untill aku dah puas observe with some comments from people who I trust. Kadang2 from the face of the people pun kita dah tau, nak hadap ke idak org2 cam nih.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Citer sebelum cuti Raya

1.) Last Friday we went to umah Akak which is just sepelaung from our house.
She SMS me in the morning asking me to bring over the kids to her house ajak main bunga api. At first everything was ok. But since the candle asyik padam, ani keep on mencucuh the bunga api for the kids. It happens when she wants to give alya to hold the bunga api asap at the handlle, she instead grab at the flaming side. There you go, my lil comel alya burnt her palm. Althought minor burnt but I'm sure its painful and till today the gelembung is still there.
I bet once the gelembung pecah, the pain will start again. Sian Alya...
2.) On Saturday, we went to 1U to do some last minute ++ shopping. End up buying new langsir for the living hall and as usual wajib beli mainan for mizan especially. So shop kat kedai hinode je sbb murah.
3.) On Sunday, while packing for the kids, baru sedar, hamizan takde new long pants. Semuanye bermuda pants and long pants tahun lepas. Aiyoo makcik pun dah tua tapi tak sedar ni, again pergi 1U and grab la few pants + shirts for him. Ingat nak beli sandal sekali tapi takde yg sesuai.
4.) On Monday, I'm still in office , working tapi mood raya. Even yg chinese pun cam dah holiday mood apakan pulak kitorang kan.
So yesterday we are already in Seremban. Ingat nak belajo buat rendang tahun ni. Kuah kacang insyaallah dah master. Anyway kan still refresh if the skills is still there.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

People movement

Today we received another memo, informing us that my previous boss in the fty is resigning . We already heard about the news a month back that she's quitting . The reason - follow her hubby who's going to China. Yes the news which we taught is just rumours turn out to be true. ANyway...Rumours in Pj usually are true stories which yet to be announced. Few times already benda2 cam ni happened.
Anyway.. Good Luck to the new QA Mgr in NMM PJ. All The best. I'm not sure how's my ex- colleague is reacting to this confirmed news.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Bukak Pose @ Kelantan Delights & FArewell

We went for Buka Puasa Last Thursday at Kelantan Delights, SOoka Sentral. Sooka Sentral is actually adjacent to KL sentral. You need to go out from the KL Sentral Building ( Exit dekat area KLIA Deaprture ) and lintas jln sikit je. Kat situ ada a few restaurant jugak.
The food was biasa2 je. I thought i can catch some nasik kerabu or nasi dagang the least. Harem.. Yg ada hanyela nasi putih n nasik tomato , with lauk yang biasa2 aje. The kueh spread ok la. Mee soto dia sedap and keropk banyak, jeruk pun ya ado. Mee soto dia aku letak cili kicap satu sudu besar... Ya ado lps tu tala air bergelas.

QA team NMMPJ - Mens team ( yg as usual tak cukup korum )
The next day was my last day in NMM PJ .Mei yen pulak pegi arrange Technical release Fty pkl 8am. SO I couldn't catch the daily MDWT meeting for the farewell speech. So terpaksa call back bebudak ni to gather dlam pkl 1155 before they went off for their break & friday prayers. SO there's go being me yg kalau bukak mulut je.. mesti meleleh la kan.

QA team NMMPJ - Ladies team yg semakin berkembang
Boss aku knows me well. She says I look tough outside but when I open my mouth gerenti meleleh. Anyway deep down in my heart I thanked her bcoz without her consent I won't be where I am today.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Weekend Bukak Puasa @cik gomen's house

Last weekend we actually went back to Seremban. Kebetulan Cip Nano last minute plan to bukak posa at ayan's haus on sunday. That saturday evening, our bukak pose was at my sis in law haus at sepang. We headed straight to seremban after that.

That saturday night received Msgs from Cip Nano informing menus that the geng is bringing over for the pot luck bukak pose event at ayan's haus. Looking at the menu, cam byk lauk je, so I decided to bring Murtabak. Dah alang2 kat seremban, better I bring over signature dish , resipi puan siti rayda . So The Inti was cooked and prepared by my mom & Ani, aku ngan seri mencanai the kulit mrtabak a.k.a tebar roti canai.
It happen to be a hit , rasanye from the big 5 keping, tinggai few pieces for tuan rumah to rasa.

Dari Lala cik mah yg besar tapi takde isik, to sotong masak sambal, chocholate fudge satu kotak from Sara to Ikan bakar and byk lagi la. Sampai semlm still senak nak ngabiskan bread pudding cip Nano. Dah sejuk ni sedap lak.. siap berebut lagi ngan mizan. Nyums...Alhamdulillah.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Half body

The half day thing is really leceh. Ada ke still suruh aku buat procedure etc2 lagi... Haiyooo where got time...Aku dahla takleh concentrate half2 nih. Peleceh betol. Sometime aku nak habiskan the urgent thing on the new job side still tak settle2. camno? Aku lak yg gabra...Kang monday morning aku still kat fty. Ptg je biasanye aku gi hou. Kekadang rasa cam tak aman.
One thing aku realize, org kat hou is not tense la...w/p issue tu quite big , tapi cam rilek je...Or is it just my wrong perception? kalau kat fty dulu, everything will go back to us, ngan boss nye stress out, colleague yg depress? ( nasib baik time tu aku beranak ) But alhamdullilah I still manage to go thru the most difficult period last year. Whoever was in fty last year will know exactly what I'm saying.Mmg la lots of thing learnt from that so called 'guru', tapi, he's a nightmare to everybody, even the HOD's pun complaints. But things is better nowadays with all sort of bosses change in the fty, more new faces and better environment.
Its going to be 1 more wk before I'm fully attached in HOU.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

New Environment

I'm Oficially in Export department starting 2nd Sept. So far job is ok, Tapi as usual byk issue and projects.
My body still kerat separuh- separuh. Morning kat Factory, petang gi HOU,. The best thing is kat HOU semedang je la aku balik cepat kan. Tapi harem gak, jln jem tak hengat.
Tetiba semlm old fren masa sek. ren bagi email tanye, ehh u from convent sban ye. Rupa2nye dia nampak aku kat 5th floor. Tapi takut salah org, dia carik nama aku dlm mail list. Nasib la betul ( Ate aku ni femes masa sekolah dolu2 nak buat camne..huhu.. ). I did not mnage to see her. Maybe dia baru join the co I guess.Will korek later. Tak sempat nak mengemail since my profile to HOu have not change yet.Email nak access punye le lembap guiller.
Nie la lagi satu benda tak berubah, semua benda2 Change profile , Roles in SAp, New badge ID etc, kenala buat sendre and follow up ( Transfer letter pun nak kena follow up ngan HR,boleh? ). Since aku dah biasa with the environment kat sini, so tak kesah sgt. Dah biasa sgt main kejar2 polis entri nih. Anyway this is also the time I nak kenal2 org HOU kan. Takpelah. Gua tak kesah buat keja balachi nih.
Lupa nak hupdate, last tuesday jumpa lak si Ayu anak cik Nah ( Ex convent sban gak ) join the factory as HR Exec. Aku tak tau la dia ni kroni HR MGr ke atau idak. Takpe esok misi aku utk gi spedo. Hehehe BZ body seseket apa salahnye....

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Bandung Trip Part 2

SUngguh ketinggalan ketapi this bandung trip update.
Instead of going to the famous tangkuban perahu, my sis switch plan to kawah putih. One of the shots in My heart film katanye. AKu belasah je ikut.
On the way to kawah putih, ada byk strawberry farms. So we stopped by at one of the farms to petik strawberries .So dgn bebudak ni semua very la the kecohs the strawberry farm on that day.

Ok la jugak kawah putih tuh, Kat sana bau belerang kuat guiiller. Tapi takde aktiviti sgt la.
Dingin dan berangin . Lepas tu jalan nak masuk kedalam quite teruk gak. dah la jln kecik pastu very berlubang2.

Makan Lunch kat stall2 kat situ. Sate kambing, Nasik, ikan bakar, ayam bakar, kari kambing,etc.
Cuaca lak that day was quite mendung.
Back from Kawah putih, we stopped at so called d famous leather street cibaduyu. Tapi haram la tak best langsung. Nothing bought there.So balik hotel, round lagi FO , borong lagi baju bebudakz .
Day 4 we went to PAsar Baru ...Is it pasar baru ke namanye. AKu pun dah lupa...hauhauhuha.
Tapi since it was sunday... haram ramai guiller orang. ANak2 aku pun memanajang buat perangai and both of them merengek nak stick with me. And I did not bought anything. PAnas je hati den. Went back to hotel, , tinggaikan bebudak with the maid, off we go again to FO. Last shopping before we go off the next day.
So that's the story la... Dah tak ingat dah nak citer apo lagi. Aiyo... ni pun mizan dah merengek nak dokong. How la...

Monday, August 18, 2008

Backdated Bandung trip

Aiyoo almost 3wks aku tak mengarang. Ni semua pasai trip ke Indon, atau aku mmg dah nak jatuh sakit.. Wallahualam. But now I'm feeling much better, so ada mood sikit nak update. Otherwise badan rasa satu mcm.
The day we reach home, aku kena cirit. The next day MC, and then Demam and now my wisdom teeth baru nak tumbuh? Sakitnye ya ampun denyut2 dari kepala sampai ke tengkuk.

Ok ,on the day we arrived in Bandung on 31st July,2008. Cam biasa, Air Asia lambat. Nasib around 30 minutes gitu. Takla haru sgt nunggu. Sampai2, straight away check in kat Hotel karmila. Which is situated at street of Dago. Sorry, tak sempat nak update bilik hotel. Okla, tak mewah, tapi comfortable. 1 hr after settledown barang2, we left to simpang raya- the famous nasi padang restoran. ( time gi pdg dulu pun belasah restoran ni gak ) Paling best dendeng bertakok. Haa dendeng berlado kaler merah, dendeng bertakok ni dia bakar and ladanye ijau. So dia takle sekeras berdentung dendeng berlado.
Posing at one of the statue at RUmah Mode
Next, we head straight to RUmah Mode ( one of the factory outlet ) yg wajib pegi. So here goes shopping for baju bebudak + si mizan rambang mata beli ben10 watch and sempat pow atuk dia for an aeroplane. Atok dia to be fair, beli utk all 3 grandsons. Seluar jeans, Oshkosh , perghh murah la dlm RM10 - Rm25 la lebih kurang. Ate mana nak dpt suar jeans alya yg ranggi2 camtu punye rege kat M'sia. Kalau beli Poney tuh, discount 70 % pun baru le dapat RM44.50. Pattern pun yang tak santeknye.. haru.Pastu singgah lagi satu FO - Aku tak hengat apo namo eh. Bought 1 Ben10 Pyjama for hamizan. Semuanye misi mendaptkan merchandise ben10 at affordable price. Sengih si mizan sampai ke telinge.
After that went off to hotel. End of day1.
Early in the morning dlm kol 830am Malaysian time dah gerak ke Tmn Safari Indonesia. LAma gak journey. DLm 2 1/2hrs lebih kurang. Tempat ni la paling best sekali. Animals depan2 mate kite. Bebudak ni la paling excited. ALong the way to Safari ni diorang byk jual 'wartel' ( carrot ). So beli la sbyk mana yg ko rasa ko nak feed the animals kat safari tuh.
Punye la excited si hamizan sampai dok tanye berkali kali, betul-betul ke ni umi. Si alya pun excited banget
Siti Rayda in action

Apatah kenama benatang nih

mizan enjoying his jagung after the elephant show . Check out his brand new ben10 collezion

semua ride la mizan naik( pony,camel,etc )

At the Lion and Tiger punye area, punye la suspen pasai diorang dok ngaum2. Rupak2nye nak beromen. MAna member tak bengang.
Aiyoo, uploading of these pics really taking up my time.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Pijatzzzz @ Mitessss

Actually Aku dah beberepa kali masa tgh tido.. tetiba je rasa ngeyam guiller tangan ni kan.. But I did not suspect anything. Sebelum ni masa kemas bilek siang 2 ada gak aku angkat2 check2 tilam kalau2 ada pijat...tapi takdelak aku jumpa apa2. Sekali mlm tuh.. aku bukak lampu handphone tu sekali... tudia.....pijatnye masyaallah gemukz gemukz...aku panggil laki aku habis kitorang check tetepi tilam.. and tetepi quilt & cover2nye sekali... dia sudah bertakhta daaa...patutla si alya pun selalu dok menggaruk and badan dia selalu merah2. AKu pikir selama ni kena gigit semut. Haram jadah betul.Darah dia habis stained kat tilam pasal kitorang dok picit2. Hisyh geram siut...

Ini dia antara pijat yg dah mati.( kalau tak tau camne rupanye le )

Kalau korang notice stain like this ,ini la tempat tetasan pijat.
Yang aku geram tu, sampai kebantal2 peluk alya pun ko selak sikit, kuar 2 ekor , apa lagi ku penyek2 sampai bersembur darahnye.
Sungguh kurang asam pijat2 ini.
Before heading back to seremban, habis satu tilam tuh disembur dgn baygon. Bukak cadar, sarung bantal and basuh. QUilt ku hantar ke dobi. Bantal2 semua dijemuran. Kalau tido hari ni ngeyam gak lagi....Tak tau la.

Friday, July 25, 2008


Lately aku dah start going back early. Not like the ol days. Since semua bosses baru, the working environment i should say not as stress as before. Kalau dulu reaches home dlm pkl 9-10pm is a norm. Sekarang dlm kol 7-8. So now I got to spend more time with Hamizan. Baru skrg ni aku start monitor homework dia. Barula aku perasan selama ni homework dia mmg tak berbuat. Blank.Kalau buku dia bertulis pun coz it was done during school hours.
So by the time lepas Isyak, pergi bukak beg dia and search for his homeworks. Mmg la tersgtla mencabar dan kesabarannye nak mendidik anak ni. Ya ampun nak habiskan 1 page tulis big letter 'R' will take him 1 hour to complete. Dgn tukar topiknye bile suruh buat kerja rumah, mulut pok pak pok pek t ak berenti bercerita, tulis 2- 3 huruf dah cakap letih, boleh? Dgn nak terberak la etc2. Ada sekali tuh aku hangin guiller, aku sabar tunggu, pastu ko boleh buat dek je...haaa naik la takat didih aku. Aku baru tengking je, member dah melalak. Belum bagi rotan lagi. At last dgn linangan air mata dia habiskan jugak. Hari2 mcm tu. Kekadang i dunno whether i'm being too tough to him. Ye lah hamizan not even 4 years. Bulan 9 ni baru genap 4 years. Tapi kekadang aku rasa kena gak ajar dia camni dari kecik. Jgn nak mengada2 manja sgt.
This is also the time for me to teach him sbb dia kalau nak apa mesti dan2 tu jugaknak. Abis bile aku suruh buat , ko boleh buat terhegeh2, mula la aku nak bersyarah tak henti.
Hmm esok nak kena gi keje jap , settle kan job that need to be submitted by end of this month. Tolonglah,AKu nak bercuti dgn aman this time.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Birthday Alya

Actually we plan to celebrate alya's birthday among our family jer. I've asked nik whether nak buat besar2 ke idak. So he says takyah la ,ni nak gi bandung lagi. Ok la fine with me. A night before birthday alya, si ani bagitau aku hubby aku jemput lak jiran2 .Aku confius betulla perangai laki aku nih. Aku as usual la hangin la kan, esok dah nak birthday alya, apa barang pun takde beli, alih2 ko ajak neighbour semua. Kang yg nak masak nak plan semua benda haku jugak. Aku pun malas nak hangin lebih2, esok pagi2, mintak duit, gi pegi kedai wet market dedekat rumah, aku pun masak je la apa2 yg aku rasa patut. So it was spaghetti bolog., ikan siakap stim, ayam goreng tepung rangup, ayam rendang ( import dari seremban - mak aku bwk ) , kari daging and sayur campur. And also birthday cake choc ind. from SR. SO very simple and org2 dekat umah + my family. Yg kak aku plak satu hal dia ingat aku buat mlm. Gilo apo... mak aku dtg pagi2 lepas subuh, apa kes buat bday malam. Aku pun tak ingat aku ada bagi tau ke idak. Nasib baik she's very near aledi from our house - in 1utama ngan bebudakz.

So masa nyanyi happy birtday to you, org tak habis nyanyi lagi, birthday girl dah habis tiup candles, tak nyabo betul anak dara den sorang ni.

Yg nyibok spt biasa la hero2 yg tak nyempat nih kan. Sapa lagi kalau tak si mizan, paiz & chief Paan.Bab2 bukak hadiah pun , cam biasa la chief paan will take the lead.

Alya rilek je. Yg Jiran aku lagi best, diorang kata its time for me to add family member. KAtanye 2 org je mcm tak puas. Boleh???? hehehe Kakak aku cakap , jarang jumpa org bandar beranak byk. Tapi jiran2 aku ni ada yg nak beranak msk 8 ( but they already moved to bigger haus kat SA ) and yg satu lagi going to have 6 , and another 2 neighbours sebelah umah 4 org.
Aku cam nak lagi, tapi aku rasa tunggu la bebudak ni besar sket. Kang silap ari bulan dedua anak aku nih terbang masuk dlm baby cot adik dia. Tau sgt la. And this 2 aledi dah rasa cam 4 org anak...camno?

So that goes our weekend.
Lupa nak hupdate, I already got the post in HOU. So starting middle Aug, aku terpaksa berbagi kasih antara factory and HOu for handover purpose. Still going to take care of Milk Bussiness. Peleceh betul. Aku rasa within half a year dah 2-3 org jaga milk export. AKu tau mmg tough + sales not picking up so byk bulk tak tau nak divert ke mana. With Middle East pulling out, this is going to get tougher. Tapi aku doa agar aku sentiasa diberikan kekuatan to go through challenges yg mendatang. Insyallah. So September ni officially I'm already in Export bussiness unit.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

The interview

Interview session went well. AKu kenal Head of export tuh coz due to some quality issues, he used to come to factory. So we both know each other. There was also sorang minah HR in the interview session. Maybe new to the co. Tak byk tanye soalan pun. So soalan2 std mcm : why do you decide to join this dept. What is your interest , your career plan.etc, etc. Ada lak soalan what KPi do you think our dept have? aku belasah jer... nasib ada yg kono.
Cara dia tanye cam nak ambik aku. But I don't know yet what's the final decision will b. DIa kata nak pakai ASAP like starting in AUg. Aku bagitau dia I don't think my boss will let me go too soon. Byk benda babe nak hand over. Gilo Apo. Dahla byk generasi baru kat dept aku. Dah la boss aku express worries to me. eg. aku suppose to be stream leader cum trainer for the SAP system utk QM. Masalahnye yg sorang lagi superuser is a retiree who is now on contract . SO sapo lagi yg tinggal nak in herite that task/project. LAgi kalau aku pergi, no replacement yet for QA for MP ???? Lagi aku yg patutnye promoted , tapi rejeting the offer, lagi dia nak carik orang for that position. Aku kesian, sbb boss baru aku ni ok even factory manager pun 10x ganda tak sekejam Fm dulu. Tapi all this will not last. And I dont know what else will happen in future with a lot of uncertainties kat factory ni.
So, We'll wait for the decision. What will happen in 2 weeks time.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

My firm decision

I have decided to apply for another internal post in HOU.
At the meantime, this coming monday , HR already scheduled an interview for the 1st post that I have applied for .
Masa aku apply for another post tu, bos aku tanye, why do you need to apply for this post? aku diam je. Ya.. last time already told her that I will just apply whatever opening in HOU. So now I have firm up my mind. If I delay further, it will be too late for me. Better now or never!
At the same time the new generation QAE dok sibuk arranging who should come on saturday and sunday for the shutdown process. Hmm Gone thru that period already.I just don't want to prolong it anymore.
Hopefully ALLah will lead me to the right way .

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Si Super Sebok

Si SUper Sebok Yg aku nak story ni, bukannye aku, tapi anak aku si alya. Semenjak -2 menjak ni ya ampun, menjadi2 perangai dia. KAlau aku balik je fr. work, dia dah start panjat grill. And then bile nak bukak grill she will hang on to the grill and swing along when i open it to enter the house.
Lagi satu perangai dia, lagi org marah lagi dia buat dek. Hari tu dia bikin panas abang dia, took one of his brother's exercise book.Abang dia dah jerit , but she still buat dek...sekali pang!! abg dia lempang. Still tak mau pulangkan jugak... Pang!! kena lempang lagi. sampai we need to angkut her to separate them out. Otherwise if you jerit pun she still stand there and makes his brother angry. Org suruh keep distance fr. his abang pun, dia still buat dek.
Semlm pulak hamizan keep on saying " hari ni mizan tido ngan umi" . I told him : "bagi la alya tido ngan umi lak , hari2 pun abg je tido dgn umi" And what happened was: Bila semua naik atas, si alya ni cepat2 naik katil and book spot yg next to me. She doesn't move even after consulting, etc. Pujuk Hamizan pun , dia still insist nak tido ngan aku gak. Suruh tido dgn abah, semua taknak. After consulting both, dua-dua pun taknak mengalah, at the end get fed up, aku cakap, "umi tido bilik lain lah cam ni" and close the door. Lepas tu Si mizan melalak yg jenis sampai terbatuk2 and nak termuntah type. So I quickly open up the door and alya pun dah kelam kabut . Becoz of her not letting abang tidor with umi, jadiknye abang sampai nangis and batuk cenggitu - panik la member. Sampai siap ambik mangkuk MAGGI spare tepi meja to tadah in case abg dia muntah ( HUAHUHAUA ) LAst2 after seeing how awful his abang has become, she willingly transfer to the other spot , letting his brother to sleep next to me. NAsib la member mengalah.Otherwise it will took me another 15 minutes more before i can sleep.
Se naughty2 alya, you're still the apple of my heart. ;)

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Weekend with kengkanakz.

GAmbar2 Aksi B4 Quick outing to IKEA

Late evening last friday, abang ipar aku call . Katanye kakak aku ke KK n he wanted to send his children to my house over the weekend. So Sabtu pagi tu masa aku kuar ke opis ~10am, diorang x sampai lagi. Aku balik almost 4pm, si alya terbongkang. Biasala si drama queen sorang nih tidor tetap tido. Malam tuh ya ampun mmg tonggang langgang dlm umah tu dgn main beskal, carry si alya, melompat atas sofa, ultraman actions lagi. Ya ampun terjerit je kejenye aku. NAsib ada si ani n seri. Tak la sengsara sgt.

Hari ni, lepas sarap n bagi the kengkanakz mandi, off we go to ikea.Aku rasa aku je mak yg terjerit jerit kat situ. Kejap je aku nak beli glass jars utk simpan samples. Sblm balik singgah jap mkn ice cream.

Alya n 'tatak ani' enjoying soft ice cream

Blik umah, msk lunch : LAla sweet sour, ayam msk kecap & sayur goreng. Mkn2 n debusyh tido.
Petang bila bangun, ingat nak gi jongging ate mcm dah rasa terbeban bdn ni kan. At last abahnye gi bwk lak gi kedai mamak kat dtaran sunway. So, HAncuz exercise planku, membesar kan tong dramku lagi ya ado. Hmm Esok dah Senin, Ber chinta btolz nak gi opis.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Passport ohh passport

HAri ni I was on leave semata2 nak settle kan passportnye kes. End of this month we've plan to go to Bandung under Abah's sponsorship ( kuang kuang kuang ..bertuahnye anak ) . Maybe abah nak repay pasai dulu masa bebudak, abah mmg takpnh bwk kitorang gi vacation. Our school holidays was always : tuisyen, dok umah. I just wonder how fortunate my anak2 . Selalu je gi jln . Dah maknye kaki jln, bykla songeh ye.
Aku ni pun pak bengapnye, dah lupa aku ada passport yg dah expired 2yrs ago. And supposely I should bring my old passport for renewal process. Dumbo me, tak bwk pung. Takpelah aku pk, petang krg ada masa ku gi balik. We bought along the 2 kengkanaks & Hubby 1st time buat international passport. 2 kali gi kaunter amik number giliran , at last hahaha bapak nye pung tak bwk surat beranak. Padan muka memasing. Morale of the story, lainkali buat homework dulu . Ini main redah jerr.. Padan muker. So we went back home from PBD, amik my old passport + hubby's surat beranak. ( Takde keje btolz ) . So way back to PBD dgn nak carik parking cam giloz.
After selesai keje buat passport ~ at 1pm, gi pulak kat jalan ampang to settle my re-financing thingy with lawyer. Hopefully this month settle doh. Buy quick lunch burger king for adults and McD for the kiddies. PAstu patah balik gi PBD to collect our passport. gedebak gedebuk, we reach home at 330pm. So that's it for today.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

To be or not to be?

Semlm BigBoss from HOU came down to see my boss. Biasa la normal discussion i guess. Lepas Big boss balik, boss aku kata nak jumpa aku. Ni mesti follow up pasal decision aku last week. Aku berdebaq debaq gak. Sekali time aku nak masuk adalak minah corporate hygienist from HOU nih kat dlm bilik bos aku-kacau daun sungguh.' postpone after lunch' katanye. Lepas lunch pun still ada disturbances gak, biasa la konco2 went in and out. At last almost 5pm baru dpt jumpa boss aku.
Dia habaq mai kat aku kata Bis boss suruh aku reconsider decision aku tuh as HOU will only moved end 2009. Itu semua org tau la beb as memo already went up. LAgi dia suruh aku re-consider as its a promotion to Mgr level ( Food safety Manager ). Tapi aku still firm ngan decision aku. Bukannye aku tak fikir pasal future aku, tapi once you become a mom, your children are everything. LAgi aku tau this position requires a lot of sacrifices . Kalau ada issue I tell you mau sampai berminggu2 pun tak settle . Itu kalau satu plant. Buat sekali 2-3 plant sekali serentak ada issue tak menanah? Aku dah see with my own eyes, went thru it all ( Even kalau ko rasa mcm nak terberanak, siapa pedulik ). I dont think I can sacrifise further. Mizan pun dah pandai tanye questions like : " Umi cuti hari ni ?" or "Hari ni umi balik siang?" . What will u feel when your own child start asking questions like that? aku time takdak maid haritu dah start to feel that i'm the worst parents amongst all. Htr anak paling awal, Ambik anak paling lambat. Time tu aku started to think that I need to put a stop to all this. Tapi if i'm still here at my current work location, nothing will actually changed.

At the same time boss aku tgh nak restructure the whole dept org. Even colleague aku yg baru balik from maternity leave and given new task tak sampai 3 bulan, now she's being asked to take care of the laboratory plak. Dia pun cam aku gak 2 org anak. Dia nye aim pun cam aku gak . Nak ke HOU. Hmm Kesian pun ye jugak kat boss baru aku ni. Tapi apa2 pun Baik aku kesian kat diri aku dulu kan. ;)

Saturday, June 28, 2008


Aku receive sms from insurance agent aku yg birthday dia sma ngan aku. His sms sounds like this " The happiest ppl don't necessarily have the best of everything, they just make the best of everything they have". Which I think is true.
A day after my birthday, my new boss called me up. She explained of her plan of promoting me .
Aku ?? mixed feelings.
A week before ada one internal adv kat head office. I'm thinking of applying. Tapi aku tau hati ni berbelah bagi. Aku dok fikir... macam2. I know it's not going to be easy to apply and going through moments where you're seeking for your boss approval , explaining thingy,etc. Tapi aku jenis tak pedulik semua tuh.Aku dah siap isik borang masa tuh tinggal nak get boss approval je. Sekali.. BANG! boss kau lak nak pomote . So how???
Mula2 aku cakap kat boss aku ok, I'm still in this field. Just fwd me the job description. ANd that position....mmg pada aku berat...mmg BERAT.
Kepala aku ni satu je PK... Anak2 and how to manage the family . LAgi kalau Ani blah. AKu dah rasa dah going thru that period without maid. Berkejar macam gila. Balik malam kol 8-9mlm terkejar2 fetch your kids, dgn household. Pergh... Aku salute Working mothers without maid .
So plan aku aku tukar keje kat Head office, eventhough bidang lain. I don't care, sbb nanti they will move even nearer to my house. Naik basikal pun boleh beb. Kat Cineleisure tu je. LAgik aku dah riki2 ngan akak2 kat sana. They say in terms of load is lesser. Keje pun takla beban and long hours cam sekarang. Aku dah duduk 7 tahun kat sini aku tau la what will happen to me. I dont think I can manage at that level and that position.
SO lepas tu aku tak senang duduk and jumpa boss aku balik AKu explain everything + hantar application form tuh. Berderai la air mata aku kalau bercerite bab2 family ni kan... MMg aku ni nampak je garang tapi dlm cair nak mampos! So boss aku faham, dia sign the form.
SO at this point aku tak tau whether I'm goin to get the job or not la kan.. If I'm not accepted there, I'll stay as per current position, i guess??? Tak kisah la apa2 pun aku tak rasa terbeban dgn decision aku because I have spoken the truth to my boss. PAda aku ,Itu yg paling penting. Aku redha apa jugak yg jadik, sebab aku tau rezeki,kesenangan & kebahagiaan hidup ni semuanye bukan aku tentukan. You'll just pray that you're actually doing the right thing and let Allah decides the happenings. What ever will happen whether I'll get the job or not, I know this is what faithed by Allah and is the best for me, Insyallah.

Monday, June 23, 2008


This is a backdated blog.

It was a normal sunday. We went out to the nearest shopping mall -Ikano for an Ultraman meet the fan session which will start at 7pm. We were there at 6pm where the Speedy Video ppl just started to open up booth to sell Ultraman CDs.

You'll need to purchase a CD = RM19.90 in order to get a chance to pose with Ultraman.

Hamizan mmg big fan of Ultraman. He can really remember all ultraman's name which he have seen on TV( tapi kalau suruh belajar, ada je alasan ).
There were not many people during that time so we decided to do some window shopping . Gi Aussino la , etc. When we came back to that venue about 10 minutes before the session starts, there was already one long lane with children flocking at centre stage waiting for their HERO ( and Mizan join the crowd ) .
The crowd went crazy when the Ultraman appears. And the best thing was, some of the parents are even more excited than their children ( Ya la fulfilling their childhood dream yg tak kesampaian ).
That's not all, parents are even eager than the children who went up the stage to be in the shout ULTRAMAN contest. ( Sabar aje la kan! )

The time have come after waiting for almost 1 1/2 hr. ( Ultraman was panas and went for a brake - almost 1/2 hr sabar je nyah tau) He he... Alya , was stunned when she was on stage. She was actually amazed with the monster rather than the ultraman!!! hauhauahuah.
SO did not manage to capture alya's picture . Aku ni dok jenuh jerit : ALya pandang depan. DIa dok gak tenung monster tu. Nasib yg organizer tgkp gambar was senonoh with alya facing the camera.

Monday, June 16, 2008

New Girl in the block.

New QAExec report to work today. Just got to know bout it almost half of the day. Boss dok tanye who's goin 4 lunch, yela nak bwk dia gi mkn skali. None of us responded. Keji sungguh.
Actually bukan taknak respond, kitorang bukannye gi lunch on the dot. Ikut habis our own thingy baru gi lunch. So what happened was, boss is the one who took her for lunch. And as usual Our boss mestila sit together with Other HODs.
Almost end of the day, COlleagues in the Exec room dok citer la pasai bdk baru ni. Org kat sini cam biasala mesti depa dok tanye soalan std :
1.) Where were u from
2.) Why do u leave ur co.
As though as we never go thru that kan??? HODs pun sama gak cam kiteorg kepochi gaks. So what???
Bebudak ni dok citer la that this new comer tak suke soalan2 std tuh di ajukan kat dia.
Hmm that's her story on her 1st day. We'll c what we'll happen in days to come. Lagik member kena jaga plant MILO......All da best 2 u babe!!!