Interview session went well. AKu kenal Head of export tuh coz due to some quality issues, he used to come to factory. So we both know each other. There was also sorang minah HR in the interview session. Maybe new to the co. Tak byk tanye soalan pun. So soalan2 std mcm : why do you decide to join this dept. What is your interest , your career plan.etc, etc. Ada lak soalan what KPi do you think our dept have? aku belasah jer... nasib ada yg kono.
Cara dia tanye cam nak ambik aku. But I don't know yet what's the final decision will b. DIa kata nak pakai ASAP like starting in AUg. Aku bagitau dia I don't think my boss will let me go too soon. Byk benda babe nak hand over. Gilo Apo. Dahla byk generasi baru kat dept aku. Dah la boss aku express worries to me. eg. aku suppose to be stream leader cum trainer for the SAP system utk QM. Masalahnye yg sorang lagi superuser is a retiree who is now on contract . SO sapo lagi yg tinggal nak in herite that task/project. LAgi kalau aku pergi, no replacement yet for QA for MP ???? Lagi aku yg patutnye promoted , tapi rejeting the offer, lagi dia nak carik orang for that position. Aku kesian, sbb boss baru aku ni ok even factory manager pun 10x ganda tak sekejam Fm dulu. Tapi all this will not last. And I dont know what else will happen in future with a lot of uncertainties kat factory ni.
So, We'll wait for the decision. What will happen in 2 weeks time.
About Me

- Better known as KONG : a working mum juglling between family and work. Loves her family as they keeps her away from daily working stress.
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