Si SUper Sebok Yg aku nak story ni, bukannye aku, tapi anak aku si alya. Semenjak -2 menjak ni ya ampun, menjadi2 perangai dia. KAlau aku balik je fr. work, dia dah start panjat grill. And then bile nak bukak grill she will hang on to the grill and swing along when i open it to enter the house.
Lagi satu perangai dia, lagi org marah lagi dia buat dek. Hari tu dia bikin panas abang dia, took one of his brother's exercise book.Abang dia dah jerit , but she still buat dek...sekali pang!! abg dia lempang. Still tak mau pulangkan jugak... Pang!! kena lempang lagi. sampai we need to angkut her to separate them out. Otherwise if you jerit pun she still stand there and makes his brother angry. Org suruh keep distance fr. his abang pun, dia still buat dek.
Semlm pulak hamizan keep on saying " hari ni mizan tido ngan umi" . I told him : "bagi la alya tido ngan umi lak , hari2 pun abg je tido dgn umi" And what happened was: Bila semua naik atas, si alya ni cepat2 naik katil and book spot yg next to me. She doesn't move even after consulting, etc. Pujuk Hamizan pun , dia still insist nak tido ngan aku gak. Suruh tido dgn abah, semua taknak. After consulting both, dua-dua pun taknak mengalah, at the end get fed up, aku cakap, "umi tido bilik lain lah cam ni" and close the door. Lepas tu Si mizan melalak yg jenis sampai terbatuk2 and nak termuntah type. So I quickly open up the door and alya pun dah kelam kabut . Becoz of her not letting abang tidor with umi, jadiknye abang sampai nangis and batuk cenggitu - panik la member. Sampai siap ambik mangkuk MAGGI spare tepi meja to tadah in case abg dia muntah ( HUAHUHAUA ) LAst2 after seeing how awful his abang has become, she willingly transfer to the other spot , letting his brother to sleep next to me. NAsib la member mengalah.Otherwise it will took me another 15 minutes more before i can sleep.
Se naughty2 alya, you're still the apple of my heart. ;)
About Me

- Better known as KONG : a working mum juglling between family and work. Loves her family as they keeps her away from daily working stress.
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awak pun ex-convent seremban? My birthdate is 1975. Kalau sama, then sila la dtg ke small mini reunion hari sabtu ni kat Mid valley, venue secret recipe, time 3 ptg.
she is a darling to me cute!
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