New QAExec report to work today. Just got to know bout it almost half of the day. Boss dok tanye who's goin 4 lunch, yela nak bwk dia gi mkn skali. None of us responded. Keji sungguh.
Actually bukan taknak respond, kitorang bukannye gi lunch on the dot. Ikut habis our own thingy baru gi lunch. So what happened was, boss is the one who took her for lunch. And as usual Our boss mestila sit together with Other HODs.
Almost end of the day, COlleagues in the Exec room dok citer la pasai bdk baru ni. Org kat sini cam biasala mesti depa dok tanye soalan std :
1.) Where were u from
2.) Why do u leave ur co.
As though as we never go thru that kan??? HODs pun sama gak cam kiteorg kepochi gaks. So what???
Bebudak ni dok citer la that this new comer tak suke soalan2 std tuh di ajukan kat dia.
Hmm that's her story on her 1st day. We'll c what we'll happen in days to come. Lagik member kena jaga plant MILO......All da best 2 u babe!!!
About Me

- Better known as KONG : a working mum juglling between family and work. Loves her family as they keeps her away from daily working stress.
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