As usual every morning biasanye our working regime will startwith checking email. So yesterday morning , lagi2 hari jumaat yg mulia, one of the newly promoted manager, really irksss mee and raise my temperatue to boiling point in splits seconds.
The day before ,I received call from our colleague in HK asking about the progress of the product that we're developing for them.
I then wrote email to this manager ( since her balaci yg satu aras ngan aku ni is on 2wks training) with good intention, so that we are well prepared to answer them during next week's telco. I only send it to her and to one of the packg tchnology that i knew off when I was in fty.
To my suprise, she replied to my mail Cc to all the senior managers of technical division mentioning that dont put pressure on us, bla2 tak cukup resources sbb balachi dia yg sorang tuh takde...bla bla bla and please get the samples instead of asking her girl to do so bla bla bla.This test required this much efforts..blablabla..Macam aku tak tau kan.
Aku apa lagi... hangin la kan. I'm actually a very cool, least tempered , very rational and boleh di categorizekan sebagai penyabar kind of person. This kind of firing people through email is very not my style. If you fell unsatisfied with me... Please do pick up the phone, and talk to me. Aku bukan jenis suka makan orang, backstabbing and rasa diri besar!
After replying back the mail and passing back the fire to her, I immediately call her up, explained and asked her why? To my knowledge I was recommending 'the way' because I have been in fty, I know the situation well, and that's the fastest method. So please now, tell me what I should do to less you burden, I will do it all withour jeorpadizing the quality and integrity of our product. Please say so. Aku bukan jenis pentingkan diri sendiri and tak pikir pasai orang lain. Time tu mmg suara aku dah mmg naik la kan.. ate temperature takat didih, u know, I know la.
And after that puas hati menembak email session and phone call to her , she then followed through with series of phone calls from her. I think 3 calls after that, she apologize to me if I felt offended.
( Mmg Pun ). Me being a human being, Deep down in my heart I forgived her.
So, that's the drama for the day. Morale oof the story, Kalau tak puas hati, cakap, jangan bagi org lain bengkak hati!
About Me

- Better known as KONG : a working mum juglling between family and work. Loves her family as they keeps her away from daily working stress.
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hadu times kan org mcm nih emang nak kena ajaq sket. kita buat baik pun kita kena kita tak buat apa2 kata takde inisiatif dah camno?
peh aku leh bayangkan ko bengkak camne...padan muka dia! aku setuju sabar2 kita ada gak batasnya...pehni dijamin dia tak berani tembak ko dah kong...
HAhaha..aku baru je baca post korang...Skrg ni mmg dia tkde dah buat hal ngan aku lagi.
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