It has been almost a month since I've moved to HOU. So far work wise - no issue. Only some catching up to be done is on planning side. Boss have assigned me to take up new category which is the adult cereal. The task came in exactly when there is a lot of new products that's about to be launched.
Makcik tension la kan. With all this melamine issue thingy, on my existing category-milks , HK is desperado to get stocks from us. Tambah lagi dgn adult cereal yg nak kena launch ni, next week I'll be dead meat.
Going back to story of my new working environment, Duduk kat 5th floor to me is ok. Org2 kat export so far semua ok ok. Except maybe supporting team kat tingkat bwh tu kan, really irritates me. Statement eg. " lainkali boleh ingat tak no telco mana yg nak pinjam? ' As if la dia tak leh check dia nye booking calendar. Ngadap facebook takpe? Dahle kekadang tuh ckp bagi telco 3, tapi lepas tu bagi telco set lain gak . Do I need to remember all that? Org jenis nih la makcik paling tak suke tau. But not everyone is like that. Anyway, aku tak ambik pot la kan dgn org2 mcm ni. I'm the kind of observance, not really keen of making friends untill aku dah puas observe with some comments from people who I trust. Kadang2 from the face of the people pun kita dah tau, nak hadap ke idak org2 cam nih.
About Me

- Better known as KONG : a working mum juglling between family and work. Loves her family as they keeps her away from daily working stress.
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