1.) Last Friday we went to umah Akak which is just sepelaung from our house.
She SMS me in the morning asking me to bring over the kids to her house ajak main bunga api. At first everything was ok. But since the candle asyik padam, ani keep on mencucuh the bunga api for the kids. It happens when she wants to give alya to hold the bunga api asap at the handlle, she instead grab at the flaming side. There you go, my lil comel alya burnt her palm. Althought minor burnt but I'm sure its painful and till today the gelembung is still there.
I bet once the gelembung pecah, the pain will start again. Sian Alya...
2.) On Saturday, we went to 1U to do some last minute ++ shopping. End up buying new langsir for the living hall and as usual wajib beli mainan for mizan especially. So shop kat kedai hinode je sbb murah.
3.) On Sunday, while packing for the kids, baru sedar, hamizan takde new long pants. Semuanye bermuda pants and long pants tahun lepas. Aiyoo makcik pun dah tua tapi tak sedar ni, again pergi 1U and grab la few pants + shirts for him. Ingat nak beli sandal sekali tapi takde yg sesuai.
4.) On Monday, I'm still in office , working tapi mood raya. Even yg chinese pun cam dah holiday mood apakan pulak kitorang kan.
So yesterday we are already in Seremban. Ingat nak belajo buat rendang tahun ni. Kuah kacang insyaallah dah master. Anyway kan still refresh if the skills is still there.
About Me

- Better known as KONG : a working mum juglling between family and work. Loves her family as they keeps her away from daily working stress.
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