The half day thing is really leceh. Ada ke still suruh aku buat procedure etc2 lagi... Haiyooo where got time...Aku dahla takleh concentrate half2 nih. Peleceh betol. Sometime aku nak habiskan the urgent thing on the new job side still tak settle2. camno? Aku lak yg gabra...Kang monday morning aku still kat fty. Ptg je biasanye aku gi hou. Kekadang rasa cam tak aman.
One thing aku realize, org kat hou is not tense la...w/p issue tu quite big , tapi cam rilek je...Or is it just my wrong perception? kalau kat fty dulu, everything will go back to us, ngan boss nye stress out, colleague yg depress? ( nasib baik time tu aku beranak ) But alhamdullilah I still manage to go thru the most difficult period last year. Whoever was in fty last year will know exactly what I'm saying.Mmg la lots of thing learnt from that so called 'guru', tapi, he's a nightmare to everybody, even the HOD's pun complaints. But things is better nowadays with all sort of bosses change in the fty, more new faces and better environment.
Its going to be 1 more wk before I'm fully attached in HOU.
About Me

- Better known as KONG : a working mum juglling between family and work. Loves her family as they keeps her away from daily working stress.
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