Yesterday was the day where a telco was arrange to settle the Algeria no-ending story part yg tah keberapa. But this time is amongst the top shots. The directors & senior managers are there to join the telco. Dah aku jaga milks, boss suruh aku join as well merangkap balachi prepare telco set . Yg kelaka tu, this algerian people mmg terkenal jenis tak paham bahasa dari dulu sampai sekarang. Knowing that the telco date was set during on Public Hols at your country, can't you propose some other day?
Ini start2 je dah nyusahkan orang. Postpone lagi 1/2 hour. What a waste of time.( memang selama2 ni pun mmg dah byk habiskan time kitorang ) .
I'm glad Our Technical director join in, because he stood the most and clearly give a slap to them.I Loikeee!! Yg lelain tu mcm tak bagi fight yang membakar. ANyway, this algerian story which I thought would end today , unfortunately still continues....CHoy!!!!
About Me

- Better known as KONG : a working mum juglling between family and work. Loves her family as they keeps her away from daily working stress.
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