It has been quite a while since the last that I updated my blog. Mana nak sempat. Dengan daily job, prepare handover, maid takde, perut memboyot and the list goes on.
Now mak dah on confinement nih ada la sikit masa nak hupdate.
Anyway, this will also be my reference bile dah tue2 nanti .
My 3rd baby was born on 25th of Nov 2009 @ 1.39am . Our wonderful Gynae, Dr Norintan dengan baju T and seluar tidonye gagah menyambut kelahiran Nik Nur Khaliesah at labour room 1, Colombia Asia Hospital, Seremban.
All of our childs have been greeted to the world via the wonderful hand of Dr. Intan.
Our 1st child - Nik Muhammad Hamizan had to went through a C-sect after almost 6-7 hours without any improvement to the dilation which stood still at 3cm. Sakitnye tuhan je yang tau. W/pun only 3cm. Maybe jugak that time was the 1st time experiencing contraction, etc..etc..god knows. The reason for C sect was becoz baby was not engaged. Just imagine, dalam tgh sakit2 tuh, you can still feel the baby melompat2. Sampai la ni pun dah 5 tahun jadik manusia, Hamizan is still like that :) .
Nak dijadikan cerite, bila masuk OT tuh, the anaesthaetician ( tah betul tak aku eja ni ) senang ckp tukang bius dia mai tanye nak half bius ke full bius? Aku kata half la, boleh tgk baby kuar. Pastu dia suruh aku peluk kaki aku bagi belakang aku tegang so that he can easily bius me up. Ko imagine la dgn aku yg pendek nih, perut penuh and the contraction, aku cakap tak daya dah aku nak buat camtu. At last, terlelap la aku with the full bius given , tau2 baby dah selamat keluar, baby boy 2.75kg. That was the very 1st time kene operate babe..the drug used pergh kuat betul...Laloknye terasa sampai 2 hari.
Eventhough I did not went through the full cycle of dilation and the feel of the worst taste of contraction + rasa nal berak batu tuh, The healing and confinement process is not that easy.
Mak takleh ngadap PC lama2 sgt nanti Puan Seri marah..Dia kata pompuan on confinement xleh ngadap pc lelama. Mata pun kena jaga...So this entry will be continued.
Coming up next : 2nd child labour experience.
About Me

- Better known as KONG : a working mum juglling between family and work. Loves her family as they keeps her away from daily working stress.
Blogz I follow...
Kellie's Castle 14 Dis 20195 years ago
Ring Ring Ringgit9 years ago
Rizalman for Zalora11 years ago
Ramadhan Datang Lagi...12 years ago
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Sunday, September 6, 2009
The last 2 weeks of Ramadhan
Maid Aku officially selamat bercuti for 3 weeks starting last sunday.
So officially aku gagah la menjadi full time house wife for this few days of holidays.
Keje yang paling aku nyampah is : lipat and gosok baju. AKu ingat next week aku nak hantar baju keje aku gi dobi aje la. Tak kuasa mak nak gosok2 nih. Tahap gaban nengok longgokan baju.
Baju budak2 ni kecik2 tahan lagi. Baju mak dengan boyotan perut ni.. tak tedaya rasanye nak berdiri + buat keje yg mak tak gemar kan!
Hari ni menu untuk berbuka would be:
1.) Spaghetti
2.) Popia goreng
3.) Paru berlada
4.) Labu masak lomak
LAst saturday berbuka kat umah Izan... Walawei.. guiller banyak makanangs.Siap TApau lauk and the kuih mueh. Kueh masih lagi bersisa sampai bukak puasa karang. Alhamdulillah, tak yah gi pasar ramadhan.
Believe it or not, sampai ke hari ni aku tak jejak lagi mana2 pasar ramadhan. Paling kuat , aku beli kueh tepi jalan on the way back. Namanye nak singgah pasar ramdhan ittews adalah bercinta tahap gaban jugak. With the parking, sesak2 & H1N1, kot terdesak, mak suruh laki mak je beli apa yg patut je la. With no maid around and tommorow dah start keje, no choice la kena gak beli kat sana.
I need to go for a short nap ( 1 jam short ka?? ) pastu siap la bertukang kat dapuq.
So officially aku gagah la menjadi full time house wife for this few days of holidays.
Keje yang paling aku nyampah is : lipat and gosok baju. AKu ingat next week aku nak hantar baju keje aku gi dobi aje la. Tak kuasa mak nak gosok2 nih. Tahap gaban nengok longgokan baju.
Baju budak2 ni kecik2 tahan lagi. Baju mak dengan boyotan perut ni.. tak tedaya rasanye nak berdiri + buat keje yg mak tak gemar kan!
Hari ni menu untuk berbuka would be:
1.) Spaghetti
2.) Popia goreng
3.) Paru berlada
4.) Labu masak lomak
LAst saturday berbuka kat umah Izan... Walawei.. guiller banyak makanangs.Siap TApau lauk and the kuih mueh. Kueh masih lagi bersisa sampai bukak puasa karang. Alhamdulillah, tak yah gi pasar ramadhan.
Believe it or not, sampai ke hari ni aku tak jejak lagi mana2 pasar ramadhan. Paling kuat , aku beli kueh tepi jalan on the way back. Namanye nak singgah pasar ramdhan ittews adalah bercinta tahap gaban jugak. With the parking, sesak2 & H1N1, kot terdesak, mak suruh laki mak je beli apa yg patut je la. With no maid around and tommorow dah start keje, no choice la kena gak beli kat sana.
I need to go for a short nap ( 1 jam short ka?? ) pastu siap la bertukang kat dapuq.
Friday, July 3, 2009
An Attitude which I don't Understand
I am now officially freed from the sickness thingy. My health is now 100% tip top.
So semenjak boss aku suruh tukar category yg lebih challenging ni. It was end of last month yg aku start to switch into full gear. Sad but true, dah la aku kena bersihkan semua benda yg x settle berzaman2 tuh. Yg kau pun boleh buat tak tau??? AKu tak kisah la kalau banyak benda yg tak settle dump kat aku, Yang aku sakit sangat hati tuh.... kalau sampai 3-4 benda yg dah nak due in 2 weeks time and ko boleh buat tak tau... tak sakit hati ke????
Tapi aku rasa Tuhan berikan aku Kesabaran tahap maksimum utk aku go thru all the remaining obstacle with calm, and Insyaallah I believe, Allah will help and guide me all the way.
And I also believe What goes around will come around. Believe me I have seen this few times. Dari aku kecik sampai aku besar , I witness it. Cuma Org tu sedar tak sedar je.. Wallahualam.Sebab tu tuhan kata Sabar itu separuh dari iman. Its only a matter of time Allah will show you the way .
So semenjak boss aku suruh tukar category yg lebih challenging ni. It was end of last month yg aku start to switch into full gear. Sad but true, dah la aku kena bersihkan semua benda yg x settle berzaman2 tuh. Yg kau pun boleh buat tak tau??? AKu tak kisah la kalau banyak benda yg tak settle dump kat aku, Yang aku sakit sangat hati tuh.... kalau sampai 3-4 benda yg dah nak due in 2 weeks time and ko boleh buat tak tau... tak sakit hati ke????
Tapi aku rasa Tuhan berikan aku Kesabaran tahap maksimum utk aku go thru all the remaining obstacle with calm, and Insyaallah I believe, Allah will help and guide me all the way.
And I also believe What goes around will come around. Believe me I have seen this few times. Dari aku kecik sampai aku besar , I witness it. Cuma Org tu sedar tak sedar je.. Wallahualam.Sebab tu tuhan kata Sabar itu separuh dari iman. Its only a matter of time Allah will show you the way .
Monday, May 25, 2009
Prrincess Dora n Pirate of Kota Dsara.
It was Saturday morning and I was like berkira2 nak bwk ke tidak bebudak ni pergi J&J Jom Main events at PAdang Timur ( Depan Amcorp Mall ). Since the kemabukkan melampau pun macam dah hampir hilang , I think its good to expose my children with some outdoor activities.

Ala2 rock climbing
Next station if not mistaken is Malaysian games . But we only tried the kite flying. Dia bagi satu padang , and also they prepared simple kites and magic colour , for budak to conteng on their kites. Pusing2 lari2 few rounds with the kites, mak ngan anak dah penat. So we go for our break. There was Jom makan station, and we need to purchase coupons to buy those pre-packed food. To me it was expensive. Eg: 1 beehun kosong ( with container )= RM4 , 1 cawan nugget dah sejuk n keras = Rm4. So I bought 10 ringgit coupons habis beli 2 benda tuh + 1 popcorn = RM2. Air memang dah siap bawak dari rumah.

Tak main tapi nak posing.. Mak tak kosser tau!!

Lepas tu we went to the face painting tent. Sambil tunggu turn tuh, aku gi register jap kat J&J website.Upon completion, dia bagi 2 lagi bedak... Hmm cukup la collection bedak for the newcomer nanti.. Ahaks...
( Free pulak lagi kan.. mak sukerr!!!)
My target was to come in as early as possible, to avoid the crowds and the hot wheather .
So we did reach there at 900am dgn emak sampai ke anak semuanye tak mandi... hahhaha boleh??? ( Kalau mandi pun nanti peluh balik n lagi nak siap kan budak nih.. tak kosser lambat!). Nasib baik org tak ramai lagi and the wheather still like shady2 sikit. As we reach there, terus pergi registration and get our goodie bag. Dapatla 1 bedak and 1 shampoo normal retail size.
We were given 2 coupons as I have 2 kids. TAk silap ada dalam 5 stations filled with games n activities. 1st station - we need to go to cool station, letak bedak, bagi sejuk badan. Lepas tu baru boleh pergi ke the other stations. 1st stop is the bouncing station. Hambek kau...masuk dalam benda yang inflated will all sort of shapes ( gajah la, rocket la ) semua la boleh buat,:lompat, rebut baloons, rock climbing, sliding... semuanye hamizan buat. Si Alya boleh perasan diva satu benda pun dia tak nak try???? hanginaaaaa. BAlik rumah baru dia bantai melompat dkt katil and sofa....sabo tak sabo.. Diva tak bertempat!
1 of the inflated thingy at the bouncing station
The inflated gajah with ballons + blower inside it.
Ala2 rock climbing
Next station if not mistaken is Malaysian games . But we only tried the kite flying. Dia bagi satu padang , and also they prepared simple kites and magic colour , for budak to conteng on their kites. Pusing2 lari2 few rounds with the kites, mak ngan anak dah penat. So we go for our break. There was Jom makan station, and we need to purchase coupons to buy those pre-packed food. To me it was expensive. Eg: 1 beehun kosong ( with container )= RM4 , 1 cawan nugget dah sejuk n keras = Rm4. So I bought 10 ringgit coupons habis beli 2 benda tuh + 1 popcorn = RM2. Air memang dah siap bawak dari rumah.
Tgh syok2 makan, tetiba dtg pulak Sharifah Syahirah with her hubby n baby. But Achik malas pulak nak tangkap gambo dgn keadaan ku tak mandi kan. hehehehhe.
So we continued to another tent for the opening ceremony....mcm bosan, we went to another game station. AKu dah tak hengat dah apa namanye.. Fun Zone kot. SO hamizan masuk lagi satu inflated thingy + ada macam askar punye activity sket. After you have completed all those, dia bagi lagi satu bedak kecik.
Tak main tapi nak posing.. Mak tak kosser tau!!
Lepas tu we went to the face painting tent. Sambil tunggu turn tuh, aku gi register jap kat J&J website.Upon completion, dia bagi 2 lagi bedak... Hmm cukup la collection bedak for the newcomer nanti.. Ahaks...
LAst but not least.. presenting Diva perasan ala princess and the pirate of the kota d'sara sek6
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
With just 1 more day before last day of submission, aku baru terhegeh2 nak buat. Its just me liking to do last minute job.. Baru thrill!! ( Thrill kepala hangguk !)
LAst year its was my sis who's working at LHDn jln duta who does it all for me. This t ime around, since dia baru balik from Japan, aku mcm malas la nak nyusahkan dia. So I thought of using this so-called easy e-filling.
BAru 1st page je aku dah stuck. Kata laluan dgn pin no. x sama ke???? I thought it was the same. But kakak aku kata its not. Bodoh guiller. So since my 2nd attempt putting the the pin no into kata laluan failed, I need to wait for my sis rescue now. She's now trying to key in for my Bro in law. AKu malas la kan nak gi LHDN kat Kelana jaya tuh. Semlm aku baca paper dah cramped cam guiller. Dahla borang BE tah mana aku campakkn. wth!
Ada mau aku suruh kakak aku tolong key in balik esok. I was like trying to call talian khidmat pelanggan. Haram dah sejam asyik enganged! Hmm tunggu aja laa rescue call from kakakku..CHoy!!!!
LAst year its was my sis who's working at LHDn jln duta who does it all for me. This t ime around, since dia baru balik from Japan, aku mcm malas la nak nyusahkan dia. So I thought of using this so-called easy e-filling.
BAru 1st page je aku dah stuck. Kata laluan dgn pin no. x sama ke???? I thought it was the same. But kakak aku kata its not. Bodoh guiller. So since my 2nd attempt putting the the pin no into kata laluan failed, I need to wait for my sis rescue now. She's now trying to key in for my Bro in law. AKu malas la kan nak gi LHDN kat Kelana jaya tuh. Semlm aku baca paper dah cramped cam guiller. Dahla borang BE tah mana aku campakkn. wth!
Ada mau aku suruh kakak aku tolong key in balik esok. I was like trying to call talian khidmat pelanggan. Haram dah sejam asyik enganged! Hmm tunggu aja laa rescue call from kakakku..CHoy!!!!
Friday, April 24, 2009
First trimester yang paling horor
I am now on my 8 or 9 weeks of pregnancy. Gosh.. Tuhan ajelah yang tahu how terrible is my first trimester this time around. Kekadang time keje tu dok menahan loya+pening+nak pengsan pun ya ado!
Alya is already on board diarperless. I think girl is much faster to adapt with controlling their wee wee at younger age. Abang dia ni 4yrs ++ baru pandai nak tido mlm without diaper. She's like another 2 more months going to 3 yrs old. Just 1 week training , dia dah boleh tido mlm without diaper. Mmg magic la alya nih. Even My mom pun dalam 4 grandchild, alya yg sorang pompuan ni la yang paling tak memeningkan kepala.
If this new baby is going to be boy... omg, tak tahan kepala ku when the power combines...mau sewel!
I got another news from work. My boss wants me to swab to another category - culinary. My colleague yg jaga culinary nih udah drowning and my boss thinks: me with my style of working and experiences, i would be able to manage this category better. Aku faham intention dia tuh, tapi I'm like just 7 months in this department and category yg aku pegang dulu wal huru hara that I inherited from her as well , dah ku establishkan to b ecome very manageable. And boss added adult cereal as well. And it all went fine. So, what other reason can I give? AKu rasa cam boleh manage category baru nih, tapi with my condition yg mabuk laut tak hengat...But I have already told him that I'm pregnant. So sendre mau ingat. Aku tau by December I'll be taking 3 months leave , pepandai la korang nak carik tukang nak bak me up...and I bet I already know name to be on the list...nasiblaaaa. Ade aku kesah?
Alya is already on board diarperless. I think girl is much faster to adapt with controlling their wee wee at younger age. Abang dia ni 4yrs ++ baru pandai nak tido mlm without diaper. She's like another 2 more months going to 3 yrs old. Just 1 week training , dia dah boleh tido mlm without diaper. Mmg magic la alya nih. Even My mom pun dalam 4 grandchild, alya yg sorang pompuan ni la yang paling tak memeningkan kepala.
If this new baby is going to be boy... omg, tak tahan kepala ku when the power combines...mau sewel!
I got another news from work. My boss wants me to swab to another category - culinary. My colleague yg jaga culinary nih udah drowning and my boss thinks: me with my style of working and experiences, i would be able to manage this category better. Aku faham intention dia tuh, tapi I'm like just 7 months in this department and category yg aku pegang dulu wal huru hara that I inherited from her as well , dah ku establishkan to b ecome very manageable. And boss added adult cereal as well. And it all went fine. So, what other reason can I give? AKu rasa cam boleh manage category baru nih, tapi with my condition yg mabuk laut tak hengat...But I have already told him that I'm pregnant. So sendre mau ingat. Aku tau by December I'll be taking 3 months leave , pepandai la korang nak carik tukang nak bak me up...and I bet I already know name to be on the list...nasiblaaaa. Ade aku kesah?
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
No more di bawah ketiak umi
Last 2 weeks was the end of My sweeties era of sleeping di bawah ketiak uminyer.
Anyway both mizan n Alya was just so excited with their new bed. No problemo sleeping on their own bed on that day.Its kinda sentimental to let them sleep at their own for the 1st time....The feeling of not having them around with you during your night sleep. Hmm maybe mother's feeling are just like that??? I started to feel like they are a bit apart from us. I just can't imagine how will I feel once they grew up and start to leave the house ( study, get married etc. ) .
Their new bed just came in. It took us almost a month to wait for the bed to be delivered. Harem kalau gi MDWT...sah hancur bab QSC ( Quality Speed Cost ).
Anyway both mizan n Alya was just so excited with their new bed. No problemo sleeping on their own bed on that day.Its kinda sentimental to let them sleep at their own for the 1st time....The feeling of not having them around with you during your night sleep. Hmm maybe mother's feeling are just like that??? I started to feel like they are a bit apart from us. I just can't imagine how will I feel once they grew up and start to leave the house ( study, get married etc. ) .
Mesti boring guiller.
Anyway, photos below are the photos of their 1st night sleeping without umi and abah.
Bigger beds boleh pakai sampai ke tua..
I'm fortunate that Hanizan has started diaperless since he's 4 and now he can even wake up on his own to do his pee pee. For a record, so far he just had only 2 x terkucil ( very little kucil ) on the bed. Good Boy. Tapi kalau dtg tanduk dia ya rabbi tuhan je la yg tau azabnye tak dengar cakap.
Last week was a bit funny as mizan tetiba woke us up and say, " Abg nak tido dgn umi, ABg mimpi hantu". Apa sajelah anak bujang sorang ni..But then I told him, " ala sian la kat Alya. takkan dia nak tido sorang. HAmizan tido satu katil dgn alya boleh tak??" . ANd he agreed. SO that night he slept and share the same bed as Alya. No more drama after that. Maybe terlebih tengok citer hantu kat TV3.
Hmm By the time I'm writing, HAmizan just left the toilet for his pee pee.
Alya just sails off....I'm going to sail on my bed too...Otherwise panda eyes again!
Friday, February 6, 2009
A day with the Morrocans
It was a full day : discussion, presentation, argument, action,delegation,etc,etc.
I felt like I'm going to get sick after the meeting with our fellow colleagues from Maghribi/Morocco/Casablanca.
The meeting ends almost 7pm just now. With coming Monday is a public holiday...
just imagine, by the time back to work on Tuesday, the follow up session started . This is only for the above follow ups. Not inclusive of HK & Mauritius yet. Gosh...2 telcos ( Fonterra & Factoy )on Tuesday + the lengthy whole day minutes to be completed + follow ups with several parties on development of the new recipe...I'm going to be extra nutss this Tuesday.
To prevent this I will need to come into the office during the holidays. ANd the list does not stop there! : I will have NPD presentation, MBS presentation and PDG ( appraisal ) -----> all next week! I'll pray that I will pass through this obtacles..Insyallah .
Ayway...ANdrea is cute!!!!! Magdi're my saviour, otherwise I'm deadmeat.
I felt like I'm going to get sick after the meeting with our fellow colleagues from Maghribi/Morocco/Casablanca.
The meeting ends almost 7pm just now. With coming Monday is a public holiday...
just imagine, by the time back to work on Tuesday, the follow up session started . This is only for the above follow ups. Not inclusive of HK & Mauritius yet. Gosh...2 telcos ( Fonterra & Factoy )on Tuesday + the lengthy whole day minutes to be completed + follow ups with several parties on development of the new recipe...I'm going to be extra nutss this Tuesday.
To prevent this I will need to come into the office during the holidays. ANd the list does not stop there! : I will have NPD presentation, MBS presentation and PDG ( appraisal ) -----> all next week! I'll pray that I will pass through this obtacles..Insyallah .
Ayway...ANdrea is cute!!!!! Magdi're my saviour, otherwise I'm deadmeat.
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