I am now on my 8 or 9 weeks of pregnancy. Gosh.. Tuhan ajelah yang tahu how terrible is my first trimester this time around. Kekadang time keje tu dok menahan loya+pening+nak pengsan pun ya ado!
Alya is already on board diarperless. I think girl is much faster to adapt with controlling their wee wee at younger age. Abang dia ni 4yrs ++ baru pandai nak tido mlm without diaper. She's like another 2 more months going to 3 yrs old. Just 1 week training , dia dah boleh tido mlm without diaper. Mmg magic la alya nih. Even My mom pun dalam 4 grandchild, alya yg sorang pompuan ni la yang paling tak memeningkan kepala.
If this new baby is going to be boy... omg, tak tahan kepala ku when the power combines...mau sewel!
I got another news from work. My boss wants me to swab to another category - culinary. My colleague yg jaga culinary nih udah drowning and my boss thinks: me with my style of working and experiences, i would be able to manage this category better. Aku faham intention dia tuh, tapi I'm like just 7 months in this department and category yg aku pegang dulu wal huru hara that I inherited from her as well , dah ku establishkan to b ecome very manageable. And boss added adult cereal as well. And it all went fine. So, what other reason can I give? AKu rasa cam boleh manage category baru nih, tapi with my condition yg mabuk laut tak hengat...But I have already told him that I'm pregnant. So sendre mau ingat. Aku tau by December I'll be taking 3 months leave , pepandai la korang nak carik tukang nak bak me up...and I bet I already know name to be on the list...nasiblaaaa. Ade aku kesah?
About Me

- Better known as KONG : a working mum juglling between family and work. Loves her family as they keeps her away from daily working stress.
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lama tak baca celoteh ko kong... :) hang on there kay..sket lagik abih la mabuk ko...
I think its getting lesser a bit now...ALhamdulillah
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