Monday, May 25, 2009

Prrincess Dora n Pirate of Kota Dsara.

It was Saturday morning and I was like berkira2 nak bwk ke tidak bebudak ni pergi J&J Jom Main events at PAdang Timur ( Depan Amcorp Mall ). Since the kemabukkan melampau pun macam dah hampir hilang , I think its good to expose my children with some outdoor activities.
( Free pulak lagi kan.. mak sukerr!!!)

My target was to come in as early as possible, to avoid the crowds and the hot wheather .
So we did reach there at 900am dgn emak sampai ke anak semuanye tak mandi... hahhaha boleh??? ( Kalau mandi pun nanti peluh balik n lagi nak siap kan budak nih.. tak kosser lambat!). Nasib baik org tak ramai lagi and the wheather still like shady2 sikit. As we reach there, terus pergi registration and get our goodie bag. Dapatla 1 bedak and 1 shampoo normal retail size.

We were given 2 coupons as I have 2 kids. TAk silap ada dalam 5 stations filled with games n activities. 1st station - we need to go to cool station, letak bedak, bagi sejuk badan. Lepas tu baru boleh pergi ke the other stations. 1st stop is the bouncing station. Hambek kau...masuk dalam benda yang inflated will all sort of shapes ( gajah la, rocket la ) semua la boleh buat,:lompat, rebut baloons, rock climbing, sliding... semuanye hamizan buat. Si Alya boleh perasan diva satu benda pun dia tak nak try???? hanginaaaaa. BAlik rumah baru dia bantai melompat dkt katil and sofa....sabo tak sabo.. Diva tak bertempat!

1 of the inflated thingy at the bouncing station

The inflated gajah with ballons + blower inside it.

Ala2 rock climbing

Next station if not mistaken is Malaysian games . But we only tried the kite flying. Dia bagi satu padang , and also they prepared simple kites and magic colour , for budak to conteng on their kites. Pusing2 lari2 few rounds with the kites, mak ngan anak dah penat. So we go for our break. There was Jom makan station, and we need to purchase coupons to buy those pre-packed food. To me it was expensive. Eg: 1 beehun kosong ( with container )= RM4 , 1 cawan nugget dah sejuk n keras = Rm4. So I bought 10 ringgit coupons habis beli 2 benda tuh + 1 popcorn = RM2. Air memang dah siap bawak dari rumah.

Tgh syok2 makan, tetiba dtg pulak Sharifah Syahirah with her hubby n baby. But Achik malas pulak nak tangkap gambo dgn keadaan ku tak mandi kan. hehehehhe.

So we continued to another tent for the opening ceremony....mcm bosan, we went to another game station. AKu dah tak hengat dah apa namanye.. Fun Zone kot. SO hamizan masuk lagi satu inflated thingy + ada macam askar punye activity sket. After you have completed all those, dia bagi lagi satu bedak kecik.

Tak main tapi nak posing.. Mak tak kosser tau!!

Lepas tu we went to the face painting tent. Sambil tunggu turn tuh, aku gi register jap kat J&J website.Upon completion, dia bagi 2 lagi bedak... Hmm cukup la collection bedak for the newcomer nanti.. Ahaks...

LAst but not least.. presenting Diva perasan ala princess and the pirate of the kota d'sara sek6

1 comment:

Zetty said...

join reunion jom.

email aku kat for more details.