It has been quite a while since the last that I updated my blog. Mana nak sempat. Dengan daily job, prepare handover, maid takde, perut memboyot and the list goes on.
Now mak dah on confinement nih ada la sikit masa nak hupdate.
Anyway, this will also be my reference bile dah tue2 nanti .
My 3rd baby was born on 25th of Nov 2009 @ 1.39am . Our wonderful Gynae, Dr Norintan dengan baju T and seluar tidonye gagah menyambut kelahiran Nik Nur Khaliesah at labour room 1, Colombia Asia Hospital, Seremban.
All of our childs have been greeted to the world via the wonderful hand of Dr. Intan.
Our 1st child - Nik Muhammad Hamizan had to went through a C-sect after almost 6-7 hours without any improvement to the dilation which stood still at 3cm. Sakitnye tuhan je yang tau. W/pun only 3cm. Maybe jugak that time was the 1st time experiencing contraction, etc..etc..god knows. The reason for C sect was becoz baby was not engaged. Just imagine, dalam tgh sakit2 tuh, you can still feel the baby melompat2. Sampai la ni pun dah 5 tahun jadik manusia, Hamizan is still like that :) .
Nak dijadikan cerite, bila masuk OT tuh, the anaesthaetician ( tah betul tak aku eja ni ) senang ckp tukang bius dia mai tanye nak half bius ke full bius? Aku kata half la, boleh tgk baby kuar. Pastu dia suruh aku peluk kaki aku bagi belakang aku tegang so that he can easily bius me up. Ko imagine la dgn aku yg pendek nih, perut penuh and the contraction, aku cakap tak daya dah aku nak buat camtu. At last, terlelap la aku with the full bius given , tau2 baby dah selamat keluar, baby boy 2.75kg. That was the very 1st time kene operate babe..the drug used pergh kuat betul...Laloknye terasa sampai 2 hari.
Eventhough I did not went through the full cycle of dilation and the feel of the worst taste of contraction + rasa nal berak batu tuh, The healing and confinement process is not that easy.
Mak takleh ngadap PC lama2 sgt nanti Puan Seri marah..Dia kata pompuan on confinement xleh ngadap pc lelama. Mata pun kena jaga...So this entry will be continued.
Coming up next : 2nd child labour experience.
About Me

- Better known as KONG : a working mum juglling between family and work. Loves her family as they keeps her away from daily working stress.
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