Sepanjang aku pregnant 1st & 2nd time- mmg takde problem.
Satu je problem asyik kena langgar masa preggie....1st pregnancy kena langgar dgn sorang pakcik india ni. 1st time kena langgar , pastu time preggie..Gigil ko...dah la dlm keta dia tu ama, appa, ane..semua cukup, keluar cam aku lak yg salah. Ko langgar aku apa kes kan??? Kes gi balai laaa...Ada aku kesah???
2nd preggie pun sama, kene langgar ngan mamat ni. Time tu aku rasanye 7 months preggie, lagila aku terkejut beruk. Lokasi kejadian : kat area seksyen 17 , lepas phileo, nak turun ke TTDI tuh.
But alhamdulillah, No complication to the baby and mommy and also to the car. Time tu dahla bawak keta proton iswara 1.3 Manual babe!!! Dgn jam, dgn bwk keta manual ( tak power steering lak tu ) ,kena langgar n perut memboyot ,Perghhhhhhhhh Cobaaannnnnn.
For the 2nd delivery Kalau tak silap aku lagi 4 hari before due, around 4-5am, pelepup...mcm ada bunyi meletup followed by air keluar..ala2 suam2 kuku flushing out. Aku rasa that was what they call as air ketuban pecah. Masa 1st pregnancy, Dr Intan pecahkan air ketuban aku. So this is a totally new xperience.
So lepas subuh, bergegas gi ER Colombia. Tapi takde sakit2. Melepak kat wad for one day and 4am next day lepas nothing happened, I was dripped. Start lepas subuh..sakit tak hengat. Bila aku ckp tak tahan, nurse kata kena tunggu dr dtg. This was the 1st time rasa contraction and dilation cm by cm -sakit guiller! By the time Dr sampai...Sorry..dah 6 cm, takleh buat apa2...Perghh. Aku tahan gigil tak hengat. RAsa nak campak je gas yg tak bagi apa2 impak tuh... After almost 5-6 hrs tahan sakit, at last Nik Nur Alya was delivered to the world. Since aku dah takde tenaga nak meneran, Alya was delivered via vacuum. Nasib kapla tak herot.
Nik Nur Alya : DOB - sama ngan YamTuanN9
Labour part 3 :
For the 3rd pregnancy, Tu dia mabuk tak hengat! Boleh aku gi keje dok tgk je monitor PC.Apa yg tulis kat monitor tu semua aku tak nampak dah. Barula aku rasa what does it feel to be mabuk!
The 3 musketeers with Dr Intan
Masuk 3rd month pergilak Bandung n Jakarta...Ya ampun mabuk tahap dewa. Masa gi tanah abang ( weekend lak tu ) baru jejak masuk 1st foor,aku dah rasa cam nak pengsan.
Dgn Cirit nye ( org lain tak cirit aku je ) aku decided balik n dok diam2 kat hotel. Mlm tu gi urut pakai kuku apa tah sampai merah belakang aku barula ok sket rasa kepala . Kot tidak hari2 telan panadol. Tak ke parah.
Aku supposed to be due a day after raya haji. Pastu I gotta know my gynae wil be on holiday,thus kalau aku malatop time tu Dr Cina, lelaki lak tu nak korek bawah aku...
Ya allah aku dok doa...cepat la anak aku ni keluar so that she falls on Dr intan's hand.
The last check before aku due, no sign yet tapi Dr cakap dah engage n any time just wait for it. Balik umah malam tu aku mimpi dah contract, which is true aku ada rasa sakit tapi sikit je la. Pagi tu masa nak kencing, dah ada tanda lendir ngan darah sket ( cam tanda masa mizan dulu ). Aku agak2 ni baru 1 cm la ni.
So, I waited la..lepak kat umah contraction makin rasa tapi still bearable. ELok time nak maghrib around 645pm..Palapup! pecah lagi waterbag aku. Lepas laki aku siap2 solat maghrib, off we go to Hospital. Tunggu Dr dtg nak dkt pkl 11pm.
Dr.Seluk2 dah 4 cm. So around 1145pm nurse pun give injection which claim as pain killer and cepatkn proses melembutkan rahim.
Pain killer kebende...Doesn't kill the pain at all! Sakit sama je. Cuma I didn't think it will be that dilation process will b that fast!
Masa aku dah sakit tu I tought it was like masa sakit beranakkan alya. Aku tahan lagi sbb seingat aku dulu sakit camni baru 6 cm.But suddenly nurse masuk kata kalau tak tahan panggil. Lepas 2-3 kali sakit camtu aku kata tak tahan....And to my suprise dah 10cm dilating.
Time to teran!!! aku tak sabar sbb dah sakit! And it was only 2 hours...Mak impressed with that injection. No other thing helps me thru out the labour pain ( rasa cam super hero japs).
Alhamdulillah, teran 2-3 kali Nik Nur Khaliesah was born on 139am on 25th November. Rasanye semua emak2 lepas je anak kuar...rasa lega yg teramat. Allah je yg maha mengetahui. She was the 1st baby born on that day. Lepas tu Nurse bagi tau aku they will just park me at side of the labour room sebab bilik dah penuh.Takpela..janji semua dah selamat.

Nik Nur Khaliesah @1 month old. Tapi skrg dah botaks.
Aiyoo..but it was not Ok..Lepastu start la ko dgr lepas sorang2 ngerang nak beranak, followed by the sound of baby crying.
4 deliveries Ok nyah I witness that day. Siap leh dgr misi2 ni citer pasal muruku sedap mana nak order, etc etc. Tak kosser!
After Paeditrician ngan Dr Intan check and everybody is ok, i was discharge before noon. Takde sape pun sempat nak visit pasal dok kat spital tak sampai pun sehari..rekod tul! and the bill is only ~RM1600 ( Siap dgn checks on baby ). Delivery yg paling jimat from all 3.
My only hope, I could continue to raise them all and mudah2an jadi anak2 yg soleh/solehah and berjaya dunia akhirat. Insyaallah.
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