1.) Last Friday we went to umah Akak which is just sepelaung from our house.
She SMS me in the morning asking me to bring over the kids to her house ajak main bunga api. At first everything was ok. But since the candle asyik padam, ani keep on mencucuh the bunga api for the kids. It happens when she wants to give alya to hold the bunga api asap at the handlle, she instead grab at the flaming side. There you go, my lil comel alya burnt her palm. Althought minor burnt but I'm sure its painful and till today the gelembung is still there.
I bet once the gelembung pecah, the pain will start again. Sian Alya...
2.) On Saturday, we went to 1U to do some last minute ++ shopping. End up buying new langsir for the living hall and as usual wajib beli mainan for mizan especially. So shop kat kedai hinode je sbb murah.
3.) On Sunday, while packing for the kids, baru sedar, hamizan takde new long pants. Semuanye bermuda pants and long pants tahun lepas. Aiyoo makcik pun dah tua tapi tak sedar ni, again pergi 1U and grab la few pants + shirts for him. Ingat nak beli sandal sekali tapi takde yg sesuai.
4.) On Monday, I'm still in office , working tapi mood raya. Even yg chinese pun cam dah holiday mood apakan pulak kitorang kan.
So yesterday we are already in Seremban. Ingat nak belajo buat rendang tahun ni. Kuah kacang insyaallah dah master. Anyway kan still refresh if the skills is still there.
About Me

- Better known as KONG : a working mum juglling between family and work. Loves her family as they keeps her away from daily working stress.
Blogz I follow...
Kellie's Castle 14 Dis 20195 years ago
Ring Ring Ringgit9 years ago
Rizalman for Zalora11 years ago
Ramadhan Datang Lagi...12 years ago
Monday, September 29, 2008
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
People movement
Today we received another memo, informing us that my previous boss in the fty is resigning . We already heard about the news a month back that she's quitting . The reason - follow her hubby who's going to China. Yes the news which we taught is just rumours turn out to be true. ANyway...Rumours in Pj usually are true stories which yet to be announced. Few times already benda2 cam ni happened.
Anyway.. Good Luck to the new QA Mgr in NMM PJ. All The best. I'm not sure how's my ex- colleague is reacting to this confirmed news.
Anyway.. Good Luck to the new QA Mgr in NMM PJ. All The best. I'm not sure how's my ex- colleague is reacting to this confirmed news.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Bukak Pose @ Kelantan Delights & FArewell
We went for Buka Puasa Last Thursday at Kelantan Delights, SOoka Sentral. Sooka Sentral is actually adjacent to KL sentral. You need to go out from the KL Sentral Building ( Exit dekat area KLIA Deaprture ) and lintas jln sikit je. Kat situ ada a few restaurant jugak.
The food was biasa2 je. I thought i can catch some nasik kerabu or nasi dagang the least. Harem.. Yg ada hanyela nasi putih n nasik tomato , with lauk yang biasa2 aje. The kueh spread ok la. Mee soto dia sedap and keropk banyak, jeruk pun ya ado. Mee soto dia aku letak cili kicap satu sudu besar... Ya ado lps tu tala air bergelas.
The food was biasa2 je. I thought i can catch some nasik kerabu or nasi dagang the least. Harem.. Yg ada hanyela nasi putih n nasik tomato , with lauk yang biasa2 aje. The kueh spread ok la. Mee soto dia sedap and keropk banyak, jeruk pun ya ado. Mee soto dia aku letak cili kicap satu sudu besar... Ya ado lps tu tala air bergelas.
QA team NMMPJ - Mens team ( yg as usual tak cukup korum )
The next day was my last day in NMM PJ .Mei yen pulak pegi arrange Technical release Fty pkl 8am. SO I couldn't catch the daily MDWT meeting for the farewell speech. So terpaksa call back bebudak ni to gather dlam pkl 1155 before they went off for their break & friday prayers. SO there's go being me yg kalau bukak mulut je.. mesti meleleh la kan.
QA team NMMPJ - Ladies team yg semakin berkembang
Boss aku knows me well. She says I look tough outside but when I open my mouth gerenti meleleh. Anyway deep down in my heart I thanked her bcoz without her consent I won't be where I am today.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Weekend Bukak Puasa @cik gomen's house
Last weekend we actually went back to Seremban. Kebetulan Cip Nano last minute plan to bukak posa at ayan's haus on sunday. That saturday evening, our bukak pose was at my sis in law haus at sepang. We headed straight to seremban after that.
That saturday night received Msgs from Cip Nano informing menus that the geng is bringing over for the pot luck bukak pose event at ayan's haus. Looking at the menu, cam byk lauk je, so I decided to bring Murtabak. Dah alang2 kat seremban, better I bring over signature dish , resipi puan siti rayda . So The Inti was cooked and prepared by my mom & Ani, aku ngan seri mencanai the kulit mrtabak a.k.a tebar roti canai.
It happen to be a hit , rasanye from the big 5 keping, tinggai few pieces for tuan rumah to rasa.
Dari Lala cik mah yg besar tapi takde isik, to sotong masak sambal, chocholate fudge satu kotak from Sara to Ikan bakar and byk lagi la. Sampai semlm still senak nak ngabiskan bread pudding cip Nano. Dah sejuk ni sedap lak.. siap berebut lagi ngan mizan. Nyums...Alhamdulillah.
Friday, September 5, 2008
Half body
The half day thing is really leceh. Ada ke still suruh aku buat procedure etc2 lagi... Haiyooo where got time...Aku dahla takleh concentrate half2 nih. Peleceh betol. Sometime aku nak habiskan the urgent thing on the new job side still tak settle2. camno? Aku lak yg gabra...Kang monday morning aku still kat fty. Ptg je biasanye aku gi hou. Kekadang rasa cam tak aman.
One thing aku realize, org kat hou is not tense la...w/p issue tu quite big , tapi cam rilek je...Or is it just my wrong perception? kalau kat fty dulu, everything will go back to us, ngan boss nye stress out, colleague yg depress? ( nasib baik time tu aku beranak ) But alhamdullilah I still manage to go thru the most difficult period last year. Whoever was in fty last year will know exactly what I'm saying.Mmg la lots of thing learnt from that so called 'guru', tapi, he's a nightmare to everybody, even the HOD's pun complaints. But things is better nowadays with all sort of bosses change in the fty, more new faces and better environment.
Its going to be 1 more wk before I'm fully attached in HOU.
One thing aku realize, org kat hou is not tense la...w/p issue tu quite big , tapi cam rilek je...Or is it just my wrong perception? kalau kat fty dulu, everything will go back to us, ngan boss nye stress out, colleague yg depress? ( nasib baik time tu aku beranak ) But alhamdullilah I still manage to go thru the most difficult period last year. Whoever was in fty last year will know exactly what I'm saying.Mmg la lots of thing learnt from that so called 'guru', tapi, he's a nightmare to everybody, even the HOD's pun complaints. But things is better nowadays with all sort of bosses change in the fty, more new faces and better environment.
Its going to be 1 more wk before I'm fully attached in HOU.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
New Environment
I'm Oficially in Export department starting 2nd Sept. So far job is ok, Tapi as usual byk issue and projects.
My body still kerat separuh- separuh. Morning kat Factory, petang gi HOU,. The best thing is kat HOU semedang je la aku balik cepat kan. Tapi harem gak, jln jem tak hengat.
Tetiba semlm old fren masa sek. ren bagi email tanye, ehh u from convent sban ye. Rupa2nye dia nampak aku kat 5th floor. Tapi takut salah org, dia carik nama aku dlm mail list. Nasib la betul ( Ate aku ni femes masa sekolah dolu2 nak buat camne..huhu.. ). I did not mnage to see her. Maybe dia baru join the co I guess.Will korek later. Tak sempat nak mengemail since my profile to HOu have not change yet.Email nak access punye le lembap guiller.
Nie la lagi satu benda tak berubah, semua benda2 Change profile , Roles in SAp, New badge ID etc, kenala buat sendre and follow up ( Transfer letter pun nak kena follow up ngan HR,boleh? ). Since aku dah biasa with the environment kat sini, so tak kesah sgt. Dah biasa sgt main kejar2 polis entri nih. Anyway this is also the time I nak kenal2 org HOU kan. Takpelah. Gua tak kesah buat keja balachi nih.
Lupa nak hupdate, last tuesday jumpa lak si Ayu anak cik Nah ( Ex convent sban gak ) join the factory as HR Exec. Aku tak tau la dia ni kroni HR MGr ke atau idak. Takpe esok misi aku utk gi spedo. Hehehe BZ body seseket apa salahnye....
My body still kerat separuh- separuh. Morning kat Factory, petang gi HOU,. The best thing is kat HOU semedang je la aku balik cepat kan. Tapi harem gak, jln jem tak hengat.
Tetiba semlm old fren masa sek. ren bagi email tanye, ehh u from convent sban ye. Rupa2nye dia nampak aku kat 5th floor. Tapi takut salah org, dia carik nama aku dlm mail list. Nasib la betul ( Ate aku ni femes masa sekolah dolu2 nak buat camne..huhu.. ). I did not mnage to see her. Maybe dia baru join the co I guess.Will korek later. Tak sempat nak mengemail since my profile to HOu have not change yet.Email nak access punye le lembap guiller.
Nie la lagi satu benda tak berubah, semua benda2 Change profile , Roles in SAp, New badge ID etc, kenala buat sendre and follow up ( Transfer letter pun nak kena follow up ngan HR,boleh? ). Since aku dah biasa with the environment kat sini, so tak kesah sgt. Dah biasa sgt main kejar2 polis entri nih. Anyway this is also the time I nak kenal2 org HOU kan. Takpelah. Gua tak kesah buat keja balachi nih.
Lupa nak hupdate, last tuesday jumpa lak si Ayu anak cik Nah ( Ex convent sban gak ) join the factory as HR Exec. Aku tak tau la dia ni kroni HR MGr ke atau idak. Takpe esok misi aku utk gi spedo. Hehehe BZ body seseket apa salahnye....
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