Sunday, July 27, 2008

Pijatzzzz @ Mitessss

Actually Aku dah beberepa kali masa tgh tido.. tetiba je rasa ngeyam guiller tangan ni kan.. But I did not suspect anything. Sebelum ni masa kemas bilek siang 2 ada gak aku angkat2 check2 tilam kalau2 ada pijat...tapi takdelak aku jumpa apa2. Sekali mlm tuh.. aku bukak lampu handphone tu sekali... tudia.....pijatnye masyaallah gemukz gemukz...aku panggil laki aku habis kitorang check tetepi tilam.. and tetepi quilt & cover2nye sekali... dia sudah bertakhta daaa...patutla si alya pun selalu dok menggaruk and badan dia selalu merah2. AKu pikir selama ni kena gigit semut. Haram jadah betul.Darah dia habis stained kat tilam pasal kitorang dok picit2. Hisyh geram siut...

Ini dia antara pijat yg dah mati.( kalau tak tau camne rupanye le )

Kalau korang notice stain like this ,ini la tempat tetasan pijat.
Yang aku geram tu, sampai kebantal2 peluk alya pun ko selak sikit, kuar 2 ekor , apa lagi ku penyek2 sampai bersembur darahnye.
Sungguh kurang asam pijat2 ini.
Before heading back to seremban, habis satu tilam tuh disembur dgn baygon. Bukak cadar, sarung bantal and basuh. QUilt ku hantar ke dobi. Bantal2 semua dijemuran. Kalau tido hari ni ngeyam gak lagi....Tak tau la.

Friday, July 25, 2008


Lately aku dah start going back early. Not like the ol days. Since semua bosses baru, the working environment i should say not as stress as before. Kalau dulu reaches home dlm pkl 9-10pm is a norm. Sekarang dlm kol 7-8. So now I got to spend more time with Hamizan. Baru skrg ni aku start monitor homework dia. Barula aku perasan selama ni homework dia mmg tak berbuat. Blank.Kalau buku dia bertulis pun coz it was done during school hours.
So by the time lepas Isyak, pergi bukak beg dia and search for his homeworks. Mmg la tersgtla mencabar dan kesabarannye nak mendidik anak ni. Ya ampun nak habiskan 1 page tulis big letter 'R' will take him 1 hour to complete. Dgn tukar topiknye bile suruh buat kerja rumah, mulut pok pak pok pek t ak berenti bercerita, tulis 2- 3 huruf dah cakap letih, boleh? Dgn nak terberak la etc2. Ada sekali tuh aku hangin guiller, aku sabar tunggu, pastu ko boleh buat dek je...haaa naik la takat didih aku. Aku baru tengking je, member dah melalak. Belum bagi rotan lagi. At last dgn linangan air mata dia habiskan jugak. Hari2 mcm tu. Kekadang i dunno whether i'm being too tough to him. Ye lah hamizan not even 4 years. Bulan 9 ni baru genap 4 years. Tapi kekadang aku rasa kena gak ajar dia camni dari kecik. Jgn nak mengada2 manja sgt.
This is also the time for me to teach him sbb dia kalau nak apa mesti dan2 tu jugaknak. Abis bile aku suruh buat , ko boleh buat terhegeh2, mula la aku nak bersyarah tak henti.
Hmm esok nak kena gi keje jap , settle kan job that need to be submitted by end of this month. Tolonglah,AKu nak bercuti dgn aman this time.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Birthday Alya

Actually we plan to celebrate alya's birthday among our family jer. I've asked nik whether nak buat besar2 ke idak. So he says takyah la ,ni nak gi bandung lagi. Ok la fine with me. A night before birthday alya, si ani bagitau aku hubby aku jemput lak jiran2 .Aku confius betulla perangai laki aku nih. Aku as usual la hangin la kan, esok dah nak birthday alya, apa barang pun takde beli, alih2 ko ajak neighbour semua. Kang yg nak masak nak plan semua benda haku jugak. Aku pun malas nak hangin lebih2, esok pagi2, mintak duit, gi pegi kedai wet market dedekat rumah, aku pun masak je la apa2 yg aku rasa patut. So it was spaghetti bolog., ikan siakap stim, ayam goreng tepung rangup, ayam rendang ( import dari seremban - mak aku bwk ) , kari daging and sayur campur. And also birthday cake choc ind. from SR. SO very simple and org2 dekat umah + my family. Yg kak aku plak satu hal dia ingat aku buat mlm. Gilo apo... mak aku dtg pagi2 lepas subuh, apa kes buat bday malam. Aku pun tak ingat aku ada bagi tau ke idak. Nasib baik she's very near aledi from our house - in 1utama ngan bebudakz.

So masa nyanyi happy birtday to you, org tak habis nyanyi lagi, birthday girl dah habis tiup candles, tak nyabo betul anak dara den sorang ni.

Yg nyibok spt biasa la hero2 yg tak nyempat nih kan. Sapa lagi kalau tak si mizan, paiz & chief Paan.Bab2 bukak hadiah pun , cam biasa la chief paan will take the lead.

Alya rilek je. Yg Jiran aku lagi best, diorang kata its time for me to add family member. KAtanye 2 org je mcm tak puas. Boleh???? hehehe Kakak aku cakap , jarang jumpa org bandar beranak byk. Tapi jiran2 aku ni ada yg nak beranak msk 8 ( but they already moved to bigger haus kat SA ) and yg satu lagi going to have 6 , and another 2 neighbours sebelah umah 4 org.
Aku cam nak lagi, tapi aku rasa tunggu la bebudak ni besar sket. Kang silap ari bulan dedua anak aku nih terbang masuk dlm baby cot adik dia. Tau sgt la. And this 2 aledi dah rasa cam 4 org anak...camno?

So that goes our weekend.
Lupa nak hupdate, I already got the post in HOU. So starting middle Aug, aku terpaksa berbagi kasih antara factory and HOu for handover purpose. Still going to take care of Milk Bussiness. Peleceh betul. Aku rasa within half a year dah 2-3 org jaga milk export. AKu tau mmg tough + sales not picking up so byk bulk tak tau nak divert ke mana. With Middle East pulling out, this is going to get tougher. Tapi aku doa agar aku sentiasa diberikan kekuatan to go through challenges yg mendatang. Insyallah. So September ni officially I'm already in Export bussiness unit.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

The interview

Interview session went well. AKu kenal Head of export tuh coz due to some quality issues, he used to come to factory. So we both know each other. There was also sorang minah HR in the interview session. Maybe new to the co. Tak byk tanye soalan pun. So soalan2 std mcm : why do you decide to join this dept. What is your interest , your career plan.etc, etc. Ada lak soalan what KPi do you think our dept have? aku belasah jer... nasib ada yg kono.
Cara dia tanye cam nak ambik aku. But I don't know yet what's the final decision will b. DIa kata nak pakai ASAP like starting in AUg. Aku bagitau dia I don't think my boss will let me go too soon. Byk benda babe nak hand over. Gilo Apo. Dahla byk generasi baru kat dept aku. Dah la boss aku express worries to me. eg. aku suppose to be stream leader cum trainer for the SAP system utk QM. Masalahnye yg sorang lagi superuser is a retiree who is now on contract . SO sapo lagi yg tinggal nak in herite that task/project. LAgi kalau aku pergi, no replacement yet for QA for MP ???? Lagi aku yg patutnye promoted , tapi rejeting the offer, lagi dia nak carik orang for that position. Aku kesian, sbb boss baru aku ni ok even factory manager pun 10x ganda tak sekejam Fm dulu. Tapi all this will not last. And I dont know what else will happen in future with a lot of uncertainties kat factory ni.
So, We'll wait for the decision. What will happen in 2 weeks time.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

My firm decision

I have decided to apply for another internal post in HOU.
At the meantime, this coming monday , HR already scheduled an interview for the 1st post that I have applied for .
Masa aku apply for another post tu, bos aku tanye, why do you need to apply for this post? aku diam je. Ya.. last time already told her that I will just apply whatever opening in HOU. So now I have firm up my mind. If I delay further, it will be too late for me. Better now or never!
At the same time the new generation QAE dok sibuk arranging who should come on saturday and sunday for the shutdown process. Hmm Gone thru that period already.I just don't want to prolong it anymore.
Hopefully ALLah will lead me to the right way .

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Si Super Sebok

Si SUper Sebok Yg aku nak story ni, bukannye aku, tapi anak aku si alya. Semenjak -2 menjak ni ya ampun, menjadi2 perangai dia. KAlau aku balik je fr. work, dia dah start panjat grill. And then bile nak bukak grill she will hang on to the grill and swing along when i open it to enter the house.
Lagi satu perangai dia, lagi org marah lagi dia buat dek. Hari tu dia bikin panas abang dia, took one of his brother's exercise book.Abang dia dah jerit , but she still buat dek...sekali pang!! abg dia lempang. Still tak mau pulangkan jugak... Pang!! kena lempang lagi. sampai we need to angkut her to separate them out. Otherwise if you jerit pun she still stand there and makes his brother angry. Org suruh keep distance fr. his abang pun, dia still buat dek.
Semlm pulak hamizan keep on saying " hari ni mizan tido ngan umi" . I told him : "bagi la alya tido ngan umi lak , hari2 pun abg je tido dgn umi" And what happened was: Bila semua naik atas, si alya ni cepat2 naik katil and book spot yg next to me. She doesn't move even after consulting, etc. Pujuk Hamizan pun , dia still insist nak tido ngan aku gak. Suruh tido dgn abah, semua taknak. After consulting both, dua-dua pun taknak mengalah, at the end get fed up, aku cakap, "umi tido bilik lain lah cam ni" and close the door. Lepas tu Si mizan melalak yg jenis sampai terbatuk2 and nak termuntah type. So I quickly open up the door and alya pun dah kelam kabut . Becoz of her not letting abang tidor with umi, jadiknye abang sampai nangis and batuk cenggitu - panik la member. Sampai siap ambik mangkuk MAGGI spare tepi meja to tadah in case abg dia muntah ( HUAHUHAUA ) LAst2 after seeing how awful his abang has become, she willingly transfer to the other spot , letting his brother to sleep next to me. NAsib la member mengalah.Otherwise it will took me another 15 minutes more before i can sleep.
Se naughty2 alya, you're still the apple of my heart. ;)

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Weekend with kengkanakz.

GAmbar2 Aksi B4 Quick outing to IKEA

Late evening last friday, abang ipar aku call . Katanye kakak aku ke KK n he wanted to send his children to my house over the weekend. So Sabtu pagi tu masa aku kuar ke opis ~10am, diorang x sampai lagi. Aku balik almost 4pm, si alya terbongkang. Biasala si drama queen sorang nih tidor tetap tido. Malam tuh ya ampun mmg tonggang langgang dlm umah tu dgn main beskal, carry si alya, melompat atas sofa, ultraman actions lagi. Ya ampun terjerit je kejenye aku. NAsib ada si ani n seri. Tak la sengsara sgt.

Hari ni, lepas sarap n bagi the kengkanakz mandi, off we go to ikea.Aku rasa aku je mak yg terjerit jerit kat situ. Kejap je aku nak beli glass jars utk simpan samples. Sblm balik singgah jap mkn ice cream.

Alya n 'tatak ani' enjoying soft ice cream

Blik umah, msk lunch : LAla sweet sour, ayam msk kecap & sayur goreng. Mkn2 n debusyh tido.
Petang bila bangun, ingat nak gi jongging ate mcm dah rasa terbeban bdn ni kan. At last abahnye gi bwk lak gi kedai mamak kat dtaran sunway. So, HAncuz exercise planku, membesar kan tong dramku lagi ya ado. Hmm Esok dah Senin, Ber chinta btolz nak gi opis.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Passport ohh passport

HAri ni I was on leave semata2 nak settle kan passportnye kes. End of this month we've plan to go to Bandung under Abah's sponsorship ( kuang kuang kuang ..bertuahnye anak ) . Maybe abah nak repay pasai dulu masa bebudak, abah mmg takpnh bwk kitorang gi vacation. Our school holidays was always : tuisyen, dok umah. I just wonder how fortunate my anak2 . Selalu je gi jln . Dah maknye kaki jln, bykla songeh ye.
Aku ni pun pak bengapnye, dah lupa aku ada passport yg dah expired 2yrs ago. And supposely I should bring my old passport for renewal process. Dumbo me, tak bwk pung. Takpelah aku pk, petang krg ada masa ku gi balik. We bought along the 2 kengkanaks & Hubby 1st time buat international passport. 2 kali gi kaunter amik number giliran , at last hahaha bapak nye pung tak bwk surat beranak. Padan muka memasing. Morale of the story, lainkali buat homework dulu . Ini main redah jerr.. Padan muker. So we went back home from PBD, amik my old passport + hubby's surat beranak. ( Takde keje btolz ) . So way back to PBD dgn nak carik parking cam giloz.
After selesai keje buat passport ~ at 1pm, gi pulak kat jalan ampang to settle my re-financing thingy with lawyer. Hopefully this month settle doh. Buy quick lunch burger king for adults and McD for the kiddies. PAstu patah balik gi PBD to collect our passport. gedebak gedebuk, we reach home at 330pm. So that's it for today.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

To be or not to be?

Semlm BigBoss from HOU came down to see my boss. Biasa la normal discussion i guess. Lepas Big boss balik, boss aku kata nak jumpa aku. Ni mesti follow up pasal decision aku last week. Aku berdebaq debaq gak. Sekali time aku nak masuk adalak minah corporate hygienist from HOU nih kat dlm bilik bos aku-kacau daun sungguh.' postpone after lunch' katanye. Lepas lunch pun still ada disturbances gak, biasa la konco2 went in and out. At last almost 5pm baru dpt jumpa boss aku.
Dia habaq mai kat aku kata Bis boss suruh aku reconsider decision aku tuh as HOU will only moved end 2009. Itu semua org tau la beb as memo already went up. LAgi dia suruh aku re-consider as its a promotion to Mgr level ( Food safety Manager ). Tapi aku still firm ngan decision aku. Bukannye aku tak fikir pasal future aku, tapi once you become a mom, your children are everything. LAgi aku tau this position requires a lot of sacrifices . Kalau ada issue I tell you mau sampai berminggu2 pun tak settle . Itu kalau satu plant. Buat sekali 2-3 plant sekali serentak ada issue tak menanah? Aku dah see with my own eyes, went thru it all ( Even kalau ko rasa mcm nak terberanak, siapa pedulik ). I dont think I can sacrifise further. Mizan pun dah pandai tanye questions like : " Umi cuti hari ni ?" or "Hari ni umi balik siang?" . What will u feel when your own child start asking questions like that? aku time takdak maid haritu dah start to feel that i'm the worst parents amongst all. Htr anak paling awal, Ambik anak paling lambat. Time tu aku started to think that I need to put a stop to all this. Tapi if i'm still here at my current work location, nothing will actually changed.

At the same time boss aku tgh nak restructure the whole dept org. Even colleague aku yg baru balik from maternity leave and given new task tak sampai 3 bulan, now she's being asked to take care of the laboratory plak. Dia pun cam aku gak 2 org anak. Dia nye aim pun cam aku gak . Nak ke HOU. Hmm Kesian pun ye jugak kat boss baru aku ni. Tapi apa2 pun Baik aku kesian kat diri aku dulu kan. ;)