Aku receive sms from insurance agent aku yg birthday dia sma ngan aku. His sms sounds like this " The happiest ppl don't necessarily have the best of everything, they just make the best of everything they have". Which I think is true.
A day after my birthday, my new boss called me up. She explained of her plan of promoting me .
Aku ?? mixed feelings.
A week before ada one internal adv kat head office. I'm thinking of applying. Tapi aku tau hati ni berbelah bagi. Aku dok fikir... macam2. I know it's not going to be easy to apply and going through moments where you're seeking for your boss approval , explaining thingy,etc. Tapi aku jenis tak pedulik semua tuh.Aku dah siap isik borang masa tuh tinggal nak get boss approval je. Sekali.. BANG! boss kau lak nak pomote . So how???
Mula2 aku cakap kat boss aku ok, I'm still in this field. Just fwd me the job description. ANd that position....mmg pada aku berat...mmg BERAT.
Kepala aku ni satu je PK... Anak2 and how to manage the family . LAgi kalau Ani blah. AKu dah rasa dah going thru that period without maid. Berkejar macam gila. Balik malam kol 8-9mlm terkejar2 fetch your kids, dgn household. Pergh... Aku salute Working mothers without maid .
So plan aku aku tukar keje kat Head office, eventhough bidang lain. I don't care, sbb nanti they will move even nearer to my house. Naik basikal pun boleh beb. Kat Cineleisure tu je. LAgik aku dah riki2 ngan akak2 kat sana. They say in terms of load is lesser. Keje pun takla beban and long hours cam sekarang. Aku dah duduk 7 tahun kat sini aku tau la what will happen to me. I dont think I can manage at that level and that position.
SO lepas tu aku tak senang duduk and jumpa boss aku balik AKu explain everything + hantar application form tuh. Berderai la air mata aku kalau bercerite bab2 family ni kan... MMg aku ni nampak je garang tapi dlm cair nak mampos! So boss aku faham, dia sign the form.
SO at this point aku tak tau whether I'm goin to get the job or not la kan.. If I'm not accepted there, I'll stay as per current position, i guess??? Tak kisah la apa2 pun aku tak rasa terbeban dgn decision aku because I have spoken the truth to my boss. PAda aku ,Itu yg paling penting. Aku redha apa jugak yg jadik, sebab aku tau rezeki,kesenangan & kebahagiaan hidup ni semuanye bukan aku tentukan. You'll just pray that you're actually doing the right thing and let Allah decides the happenings. What ever will happen whether I'll get the job or not, I know this is what faithed by Allah and is the best for me, Insyallah.
About Me

- Better known as KONG : a working mum juglling between family and work. Loves her family as they keeps her away from daily working stress.
Blogz I follow...
Kellie's Castle 14 Dis 20195 years ago
Ring Ring Ringgit9 years ago
Rizalman for Zalora11 years ago
Ramadhan Datang Lagi...12 years ago
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Monday, June 23, 2008
This is a backdated blog.
It was a normal sunday. We went out to the nearest shopping mall -Ikano for an Ultraman meet the fan session which will start at 7pm. We were there at 6pm where the Speedy Video ppl just started to open up booth to sell Ultraman CDs.
You'll need to purchase a CD = RM19.90 in order to get a chance to pose with Ultraman.
Hamizan mmg big fan of Ultraman. He can really remember all ultraman's name which he have seen on TV( tapi kalau suruh belajar, ada je alasan ).
There were not many people during that time so we decided to do some window shopping . Gi Aussino la , etc. When we came back to that venue about 10 minutes before the session starts, there was already one long lane with children flocking at centre stage waiting for their HERO ( and Mizan join the crowd ) .
The crowd went crazy when the Ultraman appears. And the best thing was, some of the parents are even more excited than their children ( Ya la fulfilling their childhood dream yg tak kesampaian ).
That's not all, parents are even eager than the children who went up the stage to be in the shout ULTRAMAN contest. ( Sabar aje la kan! )
The time have come after waiting for almost 1 1/2 hr. ( Ultraman was panas and went for a brake - almost 1/2 hr sabar je nyah tau) He he... Alya , was stunned when she was on stage. She was actually amazed with the monster rather than the ultraman!!! hauhauahuah.
SO did not manage to capture alya's picture . Aku ni dok jenuh jerit : ALya pandang depan. DIa dok gak tenung monster tu. Nasib yg organizer tgkp gambar was senonoh with alya facing the camera.
It was a normal sunday. We went out to the nearest shopping mall -Ikano for an Ultraman meet the fan session which will start at 7pm. We were there at 6pm where the Speedy Video ppl just started to open up booth to sell Ultraman CDs.
You'll need to purchase a CD = RM19.90 in order to get a chance to pose with Ultraman.
Hamizan mmg big fan of Ultraman. He can really remember all ultraman's name which he have seen on TV( tapi kalau suruh belajar, ada je alasan ).
There were not many people during that time so we decided to do some window shopping . Gi Aussino la , etc. When we came back to that venue about 10 minutes before the session starts, there was already one long lane with children flocking at centre stage waiting for their HERO ( and Mizan join the crowd ) .
The crowd went crazy when the Ultraman appears. And the best thing was, some of the parents are even more excited than their children ( Ya la fulfilling their childhood dream yg tak kesampaian ).
That's not all, parents are even eager than the children who went up the stage to be in the shout ULTRAMAN contest. ( Sabar aje la kan! )
The time have come after waiting for almost 1 1/2 hr. ( Ultraman was panas and went for a brake - almost 1/2 hr sabar je nyah tau) He he... Alya , was stunned when she was on stage. She was actually amazed with the monster rather than the ultraman!!! hauhauahuah.
SO did not manage to capture alya's picture . Aku ni dok jenuh jerit : ALya pandang depan. DIa dok gak tenung monster tu. Nasib yg organizer tgkp gambar was senonoh with alya facing the camera.
Monday, June 16, 2008
New Girl in the block.
New QAExec report to work today. Just got to know bout it almost half of the day. Boss dok tanye who's goin 4 lunch, yela nak bwk dia gi mkn skali. None of us responded. Keji sungguh.
Actually bukan taknak respond, kitorang bukannye gi lunch on the dot. Ikut habis our own thingy baru gi lunch. So what happened was, boss is the one who took her for lunch. And as usual Our boss mestila sit together with Other HODs.
Almost end of the day, COlleagues in the Exec room dok citer la pasai bdk baru ni. Org kat sini cam biasala mesti depa dok tanye soalan std :
1.) Where were u from
2.) Why do u leave ur co.
As though as we never go thru that kan??? HODs pun sama gak cam kiteorg kepochi gaks. So what???
Bebudak ni dok citer la that this new comer tak suke soalan2 std tuh di ajukan kat dia.
Hmm that's her story on her 1st day. We'll c what we'll happen in days to come. Lagik member kena jaga plant MILO......All da best 2 u babe!!!
Actually bukan taknak respond, kitorang bukannye gi lunch on the dot. Ikut habis our own thingy baru gi lunch. So what happened was, boss is the one who took her for lunch. And as usual Our boss mestila sit together with Other HODs.
Almost end of the day, COlleagues in the Exec room dok citer la pasai bdk baru ni. Org kat sini cam biasala mesti depa dok tanye soalan std :
1.) Where were u from
2.) Why do u leave ur co.
As though as we never go thru that kan??? HODs pun sama gak cam kiteorg kepochi gaks. So what???
Bebudak ni dok citer la that this new comer tak suke soalan2 std tuh di ajukan kat dia.
Hmm that's her story on her 1st day. We'll c what we'll happen in days to come. Lagik member kena jaga plant MILO......All da best 2 u babe!!!
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