I am now officially freed from the sickness thingy. My health is now 100% tip top.
So semenjak boss aku suruh tukar category yg lebih challenging ni. It was end of last month yg aku start to switch into full gear. Sad but true, dah la aku kena bersihkan semua benda yg x settle berzaman2 tuh. Yg kau pun boleh buat tak tau??? AKu tak kisah la kalau banyak benda yg tak settle dump kat aku, Yang aku sakit sangat hati tuh.... kalau sampai 3-4 benda yg dah nak due in 2 weeks time and ko boleh buat tak tau... tak sakit hati ke????
Tapi aku rasa Tuhan berikan aku Kesabaran tahap maksimum utk aku go thru all the remaining obstacle with calm, and Insyaallah I believe, Allah will help and guide me all the way.
And I also believe What goes around will come around. Believe me I have seen this few times. Dari aku kecik sampai aku besar , I witness it. Cuma Org tu sedar tak sedar je.. Wallahualam.Sebab tu tuhan kata Sabar itu separuh dari iman. Its only a matter of time Allah will show you the way .
About Me

- Better known as KONG : a working mum juglling between family and work. Loves her family as they keeps her away from daily working stress.
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